A quote from WDT's Media Release today puts their latest order for 400,000 motors in perspective.

"The Company delivered in excess of 350,000 motors in the 12 months to end June 2007, a 75% increase on prior year. We have now shipped over 700,000
motors in aggregate, and we expect to ship our millionth motor during the
2007 calendar year."

So, this one order, assuming it is completed, comprises 36% of WDT's total output up to June 2007.

There was also a "Total Integration" order form another US company for "a common appliance that is used in many households, offices and light commercial premises in the United States and worldwide." Confidentiality cloaks this order in secrecy but it sounds like air conditioning or air extraction.

Quite a big jump in production due this year then. A good start but can they deliver? If they can, the numbers should make more interesting reading next year.

This bottom feeder is fat and happy to hold.