Quote Originally Posted by Shrewd Crude View Post
Ive personally found that some of my contacts dont want to really talk about the 'credit crisis'... BUT, My contacts who are either heavily invested or have the big smarts are thinking about it hard... I generally found that at the last few sharetrader meetings that nobody really wanted to talk about the market in general, but I did miss the last stellar CHCH meet...

The music is about to stop in the USA, whos got the parcel

The fund managers seem to be bailing out of metals, where will that cash go, fixed interest or safety stocks like banks, with Centro on the blink, maybe banks are a bit shakey as well.

Dumped a % of my metals as well at a big loss I might add and bought gold shares, before the fund managers do.

Gerry would love this one, the gold price has gone off, but most gold companies have not .................................................. .............

Cash in the bank, yep short term ok, but inflatation and even hyper-inflation.

Remember that word Hyper-inflation

Germany had it in the past, worth reading up on, the US surely is heading down that path.

Can Asia save us, does anyone really know.