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  1. #141
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Waikato, NZ


    They might lose 5pc of customers but.....

    "Contact would still sell all the electricity it generated, about 28 per cent of national output, and the loss of some of its retail base would be taken up by commercial or wholesale clients"

    ...and wouldn't commercial/wholesale be 'cheaper' customers to have?....would it mean they wouldn't have to buy as much on the spot market? Maybe a reduction in customer base is a good thing for profitability? ....well in the short term until further generation assets are built to service a larger client base.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Alot of electicity retailers advertising at present.............

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Has there been any speculation of late about another takeover bid from Origin now that they have all that money from Connoco to spend?

  4. #144
    Guru Dr_Who's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BDLBOM View Post
    Has there been any speculation of late about another takeover bid from Origin now that they have all that money from Connoco to spend?
    LOL.. talks been around for a long time. Buyers can get a cheap energy company from BBP so why pay a premium for CEN?
    Having got ourselves into a debt-induced economic crisis, the only permanent way out is to reduce the debt – either directly by abolishing large slabs of it, or indirectly by inflating it away.

  5. #145
    Advanced Member
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    Default big Fall

    I sold most of my CEN earlier this year but still hold a few and had intended to get back in sometime next year-

    Noticed a major fall and almost complete absence of buyers at close today .
    Wondering why they fell so much today-was it for a good reason or just part of the general malaise ?

  6. #146
    Guru Dr_Who's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Looks like bad news for CEN


    REL: 0845 HRS Contact Energy Limited

    GENERAL: CEN: Hydrology, transmission constraints impact earnings

    20 January 2009


    Contact Energy today advised that extreme hydrological conditions this year,
    combined with transmission constraints, particularly arising from the
    unexpected removal of pole one of the inter-island HVDC link in November
    2007, have had a negative impact on earnings for the current financial year.

    As noted in previous Contact Energy announcements, in August South Island
    wholesale prices were significantly higher than North Island prices due to
    the combination of severe drought in the South Island and significant
    transmission constraints limiting the delivery of lower-priced electricity
    from the North Island to the South Island. This resulted in Contact selling
    electricity to its lower North Island and South Island customers at a loss
    during the winter period.

    More recently, higher than average inflows into the South Island hydro dams,
    which are currently at their highest levels in 10 years, combined with the
    unexpected and continued reduction in aluminium production from the Tiwai
    Point aluminium smelter from early November 2008, has resulted in significant
    spillage across the South Island hydro dams. The extent of the spill has
    been exacerbated by the absence of pole one which has, in this situation,
    limited the volume of lower priced electricity that can be transferred from
    the southern hydro systems to the North Island.

    The lower aluminium production has resulted in up to 180 megawatts of
    hydroelectric power, which would have otherwise been utilised at Tiwai, being
    unable to find a path to demand due to transmission constraints.

    All of these issues have contributed to Contact's hydro stations generating
    274 gigawatt hours less in the first half of the financial year than the
    prior corresponding period.

    "These transmission constraints highlight how important a modern and robust
    transmission network is to the efficient operation of the market. We expect
    that the loss of pole one will continue to result in constraints between the
    islands and therefore volatility in wholesale prices, as well as increased
    risk of wholesale price separation between the North and South Islands. Until
    pole one is replaced and other transmission constraints are resolved, the
    wholesale electricity market will continue to be impacted during periods of
    very high and very low hydro inflows," said Mr Baldwin.

    In addition to the combination of extreme hydrological conditions and
    transmission constraints, recent producer price index (PPI) increases have
    resulted in significantly higher than expected gas costs for the 2009
    financial year. During the six months ended 31 December 2008 there were two
    significant increases in the quarterly PPI leading to an annualised increase
    in PPI to 30 September 2008 of 13.6 per cent. The PPI movement is applied to
    adjust gas prices in most of Contact's gas purchase contracts. These recent
    increases will contribute to Contact paying about 25 per cent more per
    gigajoule for gas in the 2009 financial year.

    "The current financial year is somewhat unique in that New Zealand's hydro
    system has experienced two extremes of hydrology within six months, each at
    opposite ends of the scale. The combination of these extremes and increased
    gas costs is expected to result in Contact's Earnings before Interest,
    Taxation, Depreciation and Financial Instruments (EBITDAF) for the current
    year being approximately 15 per cent lower than the last financial year. As a
    consequence, Underlying Earnings After Tax is expected to be approximately 20
    to 23 per cent less than the last financial year."

    Mr Baldwin said that, notwithstanding the lower earnings forecast for the
    current year, Contact continues to be extremely well placed to execute its
    growth strategy.

    "Construction is underway on both the first phase of the Tauhara geothermal
    power project near Taupo and Contact's new gas-fired peaking station at
    Stratford. In addition, in December 2008, Contact started injecting natural
    gas into its recently acquired Ahuroa reservoir which, when fully developed
    in 2010, will be New Zealand's first underground gas storage facility.
    Excellent progress is also being made on the front-end engineering and design
    of the 220 MW Te Mihi geothermal power project.

    "Contact is building some of the country's most important infrastructure
    projects and, in doing so, investing heavily in the New Zealand economy at a
    time when the country needs it most."
    Last edited by Dr_Who; 20-01-2009 at 11:26 AM.
    Having got ourselves into a debt-induced economic crisis, the only permanent way out is to reduce the debt – either directly by abolishing large slabs of it, or indirectly by inflating it away.

  7. #147
    Guru Dr_Who's Avatar
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    It seems like this impact can continue for sometime. This is very negative for CEN.

    Anyone know the debt level of CEN?
    Last edited by Dr_Who; 21-01-2009 at 09:12 AM.
    Having got ourselves into a debt-induced economic crisis, the only permanent way out is to reduce the debt – either directly by abolishing large slabs of it, or indirectly by inflating it away.

  8. #148
    Member tobo's Avatar
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    last Financials : June-08
    Total Current Assets _______ 551,579
    Total Non-current Assets __4,651,666
    TOTAL ASSETS __________ 5,203,245

    Total Current Liabilities ______ 731,711
    - including Borrowings _______ 132,811
    Total Non-current Liabilities _1,567,463
    - including Borrowings _______ 556,851
    TOTAL LIABILITIES ________ 2,299,174
    NET ASSETS ______________2,904,071

    EBITDAF for that year 567,164

    Where can we see more up-to-date figures?

  9. #149
    Guru Dr_Who's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    I hear they have to increase debt level of additional $1.5-2.0 billion to upgrade the infrastructure. In this credit crunch climate with a low NZD, this will hurt CEN big time.
    Having got ourselves into a debt-induced economic crisis, the only permanent way out is to reduce the debt – either directly by abolishing large slabs of it, or indirectly by inflating it away.

  10. #150
    Veteran novice
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Who View Post
    I hear they have to increase debt level of additional $1.5-2.0 billion to upgrade the infrastructure. In this credit crunch climate with a low NZD, this will hurt CEN big time.
    That's interesting, doc.

    What is the source of your info and over what time frame is the capex required?

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