Just noticed and not sure of other newbie posters...

Be very careful .... armed with a business degree can give you a false assumption that you are in control of the marketplace.

Knowing some FA techniques taught at varsity is only a small part of the overall Investment Disciplines.

Remember ....the key driver of the markets is Human Group Behaviour, and rightly or wrongly that group behaviour is what dictates at the time.

From experience when I first started out...using my own business degree I analysed companies and invested in the good ones...and often in those companies that the market did not like...I felt because of my varsity degree I was right and everyone else (the market) was wrong....Result got my arse kicked more often than not.

Don't get me wrong FA (fundamental analysis) is an essential sub-discipline but it is only one of many.
Also TA which deals more with group behavior is an essential sub-discipline but it is only one of many.

The most important factor be a successful investor is to understand yourself mentally...all the degrees and book reading in the world will not help if you are not mentaly tuned in to this investing world. Unless you are a born "natural" it will take years of learning..for most people it will never happen.