Quote Originally Posted by arco View Post
China are only No.7 in their holdings with 1054 tonnes, whereas USA are No.1 (if you can believe the figures) with a massive 8133 tonnes

Chart here
Thanks for the bullish article Arco. He seems like an impassion-ate fellow . . . I notice that Australia and NZ don't even figure on that chart. Not even close. From memory I think Peter Costello sold 2/3 Australia's gold reserves several years ago leaving them with about 84 tonnes. I expect that NZ's holding would be far lower than that.


The question that I keep asking and no-one seems to have an answer or even a theory on is . . . if the USD has a crash or a "disorderly decline", what happens to the AUD & NZD as both the RBA & RBNZ as far as I know has reserves made up primarily of USD instruments like Dollars, Treasuries and probably US Agency debt.

Anyone wanna take a stab?