Lay off the adulation eh Lodger!

It is important to realise that we are aiming at a moving target here and things can change very fast. While a week might be a long time in politics, a single day can encompass a lot of change in the market. Look at this series of charts, just a few days apart, and see how rapidly the prognosis can change.
Chart number one (just before Easter) :-

THE VERY NEXT TRADING DAY (immediately after Easter) everything suddenly changed. Very strong buying pressure appeared and carried all before it. (Tall green line in Volume histogram at bottom of chart)

Here is the latest chart. Note how prior to the pivotal big Upday all high volume days were down days (red bars). See how after that crucial day, all high volume days were UP days (green volume bars). In a single day, market sentiment toward EBO changed from negative to positive.