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Thread: GOLD

  1. #431
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie View Post
    Thanks for the bullish article Arco. He seems like an impassion-ate fellow . . . I notice that Australia and NZ don't even figure on that chart. Not even close. From memory I think Peter Costello sold 2/3 Australia's gold reserves several years ago leaving them with about 84 tonnes. I expect that NZ's holding would be far lower than that.

    The question that I keep asking and no-one seems to have an answer or even a theory on is . . . if the USD has a crash or a "disorderly decline", what happens to the AUD & NZD as both the RBA & RBNZ as far as I know has reserves made up primarily of USD instruments like Dollars, Treasuries and probably US Agency debt.

    Anyone wanna take a stab?
    IMHO the NZD will tank along with the USD & AUD but I do believe the AUD & NZD will recover faster as we have good export markets which if the government's can help grow will see AUD,NZD better over the longer term compared to the US UK high import v low export disasters
    Personal it's a great time to turn your NZD in the true world hard currency reg. gold silver bullion
    Or if you have a good solid income a time to borrow devaluing money(to build another asset like a home or buy cheap shares)
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  2. #432
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    Default Ferdinand Lips

    Hi all,

    The answer to the question of the potential collapse of the USD, FRN - ergo the global reserve currency can only be speculative, however some of the best sources of intuition come from those who have experienced the role of the Gold Standard, and those who know why the Royals would abolish the Gold Standard and then subsequently the Gold Exchange Standard.

    I have enjoyed reading Ferdinand Lips famous work, "Gold Wars" and recommend it highly. Here is an excerpt from a Gold-Eagle article, and interestingly while the answer isn't specific the question implies or suggests the answer. At the end of the article are some other recommended readings. Attribution to:

    The IMF recently decided not to sale any Gold. It is widely known that the USA officially owns most of the Gold worldwide and have (in big contrast to other central banks) not sold any Gold in the past years. What do you think about the assumption that the USA deliberately do not sell Gold, but push others to do so, as to have most of the Gold "in the end" - to be able not to lose its "empire status" in the case of a remonetization of Gold? Is it imaginable that the USA are deliberately inflating their horrendous foreign debts with a collapsing U.S. Dollar as to settle these debts with a highly appreciated Gold price and after a new Gold Standard has been established? What are your scenarios?

    F. Lips:
    I have no idea about how much Gold reserves the USA really have. There was no audit of these stocks since Eisenhower. There is great uncertainness regarding these reserves. Regarding the huge internal and external debts, the official politics at the moment rather seems to be in inflating off the debts.

    In general, do you see the possibility of a Gold Standard or a coupling of the major currencie(s) to an index or even a new innovative attempt to anchor fiat-money in the system (i.e. Euro-Dollar)? What would you recommend?

    F. Lips:
    I have always recommended the return to the pure Gold Standard.

    Buy a copy of Gold Wars.


  3. #433
    Member Aussie's Avatar
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    Default Gold this Week . . . from The Privateer

    Attachment 1531

    Here is a very ominous chart indeed. It will be familiar to all Privateer subscribers as being one of the charts we update with each new issue of the newsletter. Please note the far right column of "Os". This is the fall in the USDX which as taken place over the past week, sending the US Dollar well below the trading range in which it has been trading for most of the year. This week, the USDX lost 2.06 points or 2.4 percent. Most of that fall came on Friday, May 8 when the USDX lost 1.46 points. What happened to Gold on the day? Almost nothing, the spot future contract fell by $US 0.60. Longer-term Treasury yields were quiescent too. After rising precipitously for most of the week, yields on the Treasury's 10 and 30-year paper fell slightly on the day. And of course, over on the stock market, the Dow bounded upward another 165 points to a new post March 9 high of 8574.

    Last week was the week of the "swine flu" distraction. This week, the whole thing has evaporated and the "economy" has come back onto centre stage. The reason for this is, of course, a plethora of "encouraging" numbers. While the latest US unemployment RATE is up - to 8.9 percent - job losses are reported to have fallen from an average of 700,000 in the first three months of the year to 539,000 in April. Three hundred million people in the US are asking each other - "do you know anyone who's been employed lately?" - with overwhelmingly negative results. But these figures are OFFICIAL - and as such, not to be either questioned or examined.

    In another development, the major US banks have all passed the "stress test" administered by the US Treasury. Again, this is OFFICIAL. Any suggestion that the tests were specifically designed to be "passed" by the banks is not to be discussed by anyone. Certainly nobody on Wall Street would be so crass as to question them.

    And so, we have the fatuous claim that the "green shoots" of economic recovery are now starting to poke into the sunlight above the detritus of the now soon to be nothing but a memory "recession". This must be true. All the government numbers say so. Mr Obama, Mr Geithner and Mr Bernanke say so too. And in case anyone has any qualms about the possible future implications of the $US TRILLIONS which have been thrown at the economy already, Mr Obama has recently declared that he has found $US 17 Billion worth of "cuts" which he is going to apply to his 2009-10 budget. That should fix everything.

    Do you read the financial news? You should - one can estimate pretty closely the true situation from the lengths the powers that be are going to in order to hide it. It is tempting to conclude that the government and their sycophants in the financial system regard their "audience" as ready and willing to swallow literally ANYTHING. In reality, of course, they are stuck with their policies, from which they dare not veer, so they have no choice but to dress them up as best they can and hope that they can continue to be made palatable. The last resort is to rely on the old conviction that "you can't fight city hall", no matter how absurd their actions become. But the problem for the powers that be is that they have to "deliver", and on their present policies, that is impossible. You cannot "fix" a collapse in credit by refusing to value so called "assets" which are dependent on the continuing flow of this credit to have any value at all. Nor can you do it by throwing worse "money" after the bad has already been exposed as worthless. But you can destroy a financial system and a money with such policies.

    This week, we have seen the two biggest markets in the world, the market for Treasury debt paper and US Dollars, take a severe hit. Treasury yields have been rising inexorably since the Fed lowered its rates to the vanishing point last December. This week, that rise accelerated. That proved too much for the exchange value of the US Dollar which plummeted this week. Gold did no more than "mirror" this US Dollar fall, it barely moved in terms of most other world currencies. In terms of some of them, the Gold "price" actually fell this week.

    It has been said here many times but cannot be repeated too often. There is a gargantuan global consensus that the "price" of Gold in terms of all paper "moneys" in general and against the US Dollar in particular MUST be kept under control. The global and monetary system which has been built up since the last official connection between Gold and ALL forms of paper money was erased in 1971 would be utterly impossible under any type of Gold discipline. The level of power which has been amassed by governments released from this discipline would likewise be impossible. "They" have got it. "They are not going to give it up lightly.

    There is only one recent historical precedent for an entrenched political establishment in control of an empire giving up their power without a (literal) fight. That is the abdication of the Communist party of the USSR in 1991. The equivalent at present would be for the governments and central banks of the world to give up, get out of the way, and let inexorable economic LAW run its course. It will anyway, but the longer it is delayed, the harsher the final sentence will be.

  4. #434
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Cool Fort knox's gold no much left .....

    Doc of 37...
    About Fort Knox Gold:
    In the 1970's a very courageous gentleman named Edward Durrell claimed that
    substantially all of the US Gold Reserve being stored at Ft. Knox was gone.
    Only 1,000 tonnes or so of the 8,500 tonnes supposedly being stored there
    remained. The rest had been secretly taken from Ft. Knox and shipped to
    London in 1967 and early 1968 for sale by President Johnson in an ill-fated
    attempt to keep the price of Gold at $35 per ounce.
    First, about Fort Knox. You know, the Fort Knox Gold Scandal is just like
    the Watergate Scandal in one respect: There is a desperate cover-up going on
    right now just as happened with Watergate. The Fort Knox Gold Scandal
    cover-up really passed the point of no return last September when the United
    States Treasury perpetrated the Fort Knox gold inspection hoax in an attempt
    to discredit my charges that there's no gold in Fort Knox because it had all
    been illegally removed. Since that time the Government has been getting in
    deeper and deeper and deeper, involving more and more people in all sorts of
    maneuvers to try to keep the lid on. For example, when the Congressmen and
    newsmen visited Fort Knox last September, news stories promised everybody
    that the visit would be followed up by an audit of the Fort Knox gold by the
    General Accounting Office, but what they actually did was just a very
    superficial exercise just to make the record look good, and the group of 15
    men that did it had only two (2) General Accounting Office representatives
    on it. All the rest were from the Treasury itself--in other words, the fox
    went into the henhouse to count our chickens for us.
    It may come as a shock to some, but the U.S. has very little so-called
    "U.S. government" gold bullion in Fort Knox. A brave outspoken journalist,
    Tom Valentine, in the 1970s, exposed as a fraud that there was
    world-trade-quality gold at Fort Knox. All they have left are poor quality,
    orangish-looking, melted down coin metal from the seizure in 1934, of gold
    coins from America's common people. [The American aristocracy, warned in
    advance, shipped THEIR gold out of the U.S.] The U.S. governmentt gold is
    gone. Why? Because it was shipped, under the supervision of a ply-able U.S.
    General, to the private central octopus called the Bank of England, in 1968,
    to stem a run on that bank which had somehow lost all their own gold.]
    The organization chaired by Alan Greenspan is a coalition of private
    international banks, that does not answer to the United States Government.
    And there is no precious metal warehoused in Fort Knox or elsewhere that
    backs the money that they issue.
    Large shipment of gold leaves Fort Knox, public doesn't know that their
    national gold 'reserves' are being secretly depleted by one-world national
    socialist agents working in U.S. government. Gold at Fort Knox replaced with
    gold-plated lead bars, making it the biggest heist in history. Rockefellers
    involved. James MacDonald becomes critical of Air Force and the CIA.
    Throughout the 20th century this movement toward a one world government has
    been marching on. This is not new or recent. In his book Critical Path
    Buckminster Fuller gives a very impressive sweep of the 20th century, about
    the large corporations and their agents and the lawyers who basically
    control the country far more than the people understand. He talked about how
    all the gold was removed from Fort Knox by the 1960's.
    Where did it go?
    It went to the banks. They own the country. Fuller called the CIA,
    "capitalism's invisible army."
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  5. #435
    Member Aussie's Avatar
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    Thanks JB, a majority of those links seem bad but the story is quite plausible IMO and possibly true. I have read anecdotal stories of US "melt" bars turning up recently in the physical markets of middle east and other places via GATA.

    No audit since the 1950's of the supposed largest gold stock in the world, the one that supposedly backs the world's reserve currency . . ? It has a bad stink to it.

    If this is true, then it would be far bigger than watergate . . !

  6. #436
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie View Post
    Thanks JB, a majority of those links seem bad but the story is quite plausible IMO and possibly true. I have read anecdotal stories of US "melt" bars turning up recently in the physical markets of middle east and other places via GATA.

    No audit since the 1950's of the supposed largest gold stock in the world, the one that supposedly backs the world's reserve currency . . ? It has a bad stink to it.

    If this is true, then it would be far bigger than watergate . . !
    Yeah and far worse for the USD and massive for the gold price ,all the time you here of investors stating that the USD still has massive weath because of there world largest gold holding yet the US government are so anti-gold & silver why because they have very little left.......JPmorgan & AIG plus alot of the other have been massive paper shorters of gold & silver over the last many yrs...
    if they did have the massive gold holding they could have sold alot to reduce their massive dept......
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  7. #437
    Member Aussie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBmurc View Post
    Yeah and far worse for the USD and massive for the gold price ,all the time you here of investors stating that the USD still has massive weath because of there world largest gold holding yet the US government are so anti-gold & silver why because they have very little left.......JPmorgan & AIG plus alot of the other have been massive paper shorters of gold & silver over the last many yrs...
    if they did have the massive gold holding they could have sold alot to reduce their massive dept......
    You're onto it . . . my guess is that the true status of the US gold supply is THE best kept secret in government. Everything financial in this world hinges on the continued belief that those 8,300 tonnes are there . . . if it's not - then it's difficult to imagine how big, how far and how wide the repercussions would be. If I had to bet on it, I'd say it has been long gone and the whole Fort Knox thing is a massive charade.

  8. #438
    Tin-foil Hatter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie View Post
    You're onto it . . . my guess is that the true status of the US gold supply is THE best kept secret in government. Everything financial in this world hinges on the continued belief that those 8,300 tonnes are there . . . if it's not - then it's difficult to imagine how big, how far and how wide the repercussions would be. If I had to bet on it, I'd say it has been long gone and the whole Fort Knox thing is a massive charade.
    I believe that the US does have a significant gold reserve, and politicians protect it like they protect the strategic oil reserve. A significant gold reserve is what they will use to protect the USD against collapsing, just like they'd use the oil reserve to protect themselves against OPEC's and Middle Eastern games. Politicians absolute hate the discipline that a gold standard imposes so they will use gold to fight against the demise of the USD. The USD has lost 95% of its value in the last 76 years and, for them, that's OK because the proles can be easily duped by using the the boiling frog analogy - however, if it lost another 95% in 76 MONTHS or WEEKS, then they'll only have Fort Knox to protect them from a popular revolt. That's why I believe the do keep a reserve. Selling gold to avoid any substantial gold price increase hence masking the devaluation of the USD is what they'll surely do.
    Last edited by patsy; 11-05-2009 at 03:08 PM.
    God - Please give us just one more bubble....

  9. #439
    Join Date
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    Default Figuring it out ...

    So, if the gold is gone, where and whom has it gone to, and why? Gold cannot be destroyed, so whatever there was there still is, somewhere. It doesn't neccessarily stand to reason that whomever owned the gold doesn't still own it just because the gold was moved somewhere, even to a different country. Nor does it stand to reason that the gold was ever there, or that it even existed in the first place, anywhere.


  10. #440
    Member Aussie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsy View Post
    I believe that the US does have a significant gold reserve, and politicians protect it like they protect the strategic oil reserve.
    I was going to start by saying "no-one knows for sure" but that's not true. Probably a few current and ex US Treasury people know but aren't saying anything.

    Over the past decade, GATA has meticulously monitored governments and central banks known gold inventories against their Washington accord sales and factored in global mine production, the scrap market etc . . . and after some careful math, come to the conclusion that the world's central banks have less than 50% of the gold that they say they have.

    Quote Originally Posted by patsy View Post
    A significant gold reserve is what they will use to protect the USD against collapsing, just like they'd use the oil reserve to protect themselves against OPEC's and Middle Eastern games.
    You are assuming that this is not what has been occurring already.

    If you research who has been in charge of the US Treasury and economic policy on and off for the better part of 20 years the names Rubin and Summers continually pop up. Both are experts in the manipulation of the gold markets and both have used this expertise to manipulate the dollar and interest rates via gold price through their surrogate Wall St. banks.

    Rubin learned this while he was in charge of the London gold desk at Goldman Sachs and Summers was the author of "Gibson's Paradox and the Gold Standard" which basically explored the correlation between the gold price and interest rates. Control inetrest rates and you control the USD, control the USD and the BIG ponzi scheme gets to continue for a few more years - and this is exactly what has been happening.

    Summers and Rubin are now both back in government as special advisors to President Obama - special indeed!

    Quote Originally Posted by patsy View Post
    That's why I believe the do keep a reserve. Selling gold to avoid any substantial gold price increase hence masking the devaluation of the USD is what they'll surely do.
    You are right on . . . but it's not going to happen - it has been happening and is happening now!


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