A guy wakes up in the morning at home with a cracking headache and a black eye and remembers nothing of the night before. He sees a glass of water on the side of the table with a couple of Panadols and a nice note telling him food is waiting in the kitchen, he is a little confused. He cannot remember a thing of how he got home and his wife is not around. He gets up and walks through the house, everything is spotless and tidy. Sure enough there is the kitchen is the perfect hangover breakfast. He sees his son and asks him what happened last night. The son says, well you arrived home at 3am drunk as could be, you tripped over the carpet and smashed the coffee table and mom's favourite vase. The guy is now completely confused as to why his wife is being so nice. The son says, then mom took you off to bed and when she tried to pull of your pants you screamed "leave me alone #$%@, I'm married".