floating interest rates still dropping,
nz$ still rising,
unemployment still rising,
and the effects of a high dollar still to show themselves in NZ.
exporters must be really hurting..........
maybe a whole new lot of layoffs on the way,
are banks trying to hook new punters in the mini property bubble?

Goff saying he will back the nats in cap gains tax legisation.
this would slam a hammer on the property speculators........ (first time in history)

end result
property investment will be left for the true investor (longterm)
and property prices might stablise so that the average kiwi and the next generations
of kiwis can afford a home.

if the nats and labour can pull this off, and ringfence residential investment property,
this country has a hope of going forward.
in the meantime, our debt level is still increasing,

i wonder if the rising crime rate is related to the fact that most young and lower income earners cant afford the kiwi dream of owning a house and therefore feel dispondant, which leads to pesimissim and lack of future planning?

i know of young people today who lack optimizm because they see current home prices waaaay out of their reach and just resolve themselves to living today and getting what they can.
some young people (the ones who have totally lost hope) just go out take what they want,
re:: the rise in crime.

maybe the nats and labour can give hope again to the next generation of kiwis together by making a home affordable again.

as an example,
the typical house in south auckland is around $320k yet the typical south aucklander could never afford to buy it, and can only afford to rent it because of housing suppliments and working for families or dpb payments.
in the meantime the landlords are making profits via a miriad of tax manouvers.