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  1. #10
    Senior Member
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    Miini, perhaps you can answer a very simple question: "What is the public interest that is being defended by AH Stat Mngment?".

    Your first attempted answer is clearly insufficient. What fraud is being prevented? What reckless company management is being prevented? What protection is being afforded to investors in orderly administration?

    Basic questions .... I would have thought that after one and a half weeks ... we would have an answer.

    Instead, it seems as if you are satisfied by suspicion and innuendo. I, however, am not. Neither is our conventional system of justice which holds sway when Adam Feeley has stopped abusing his regulatory powers.

    Allan Hubbard's investors in Aorangi have the same property rights as Allan. Both parties have sufficient remedies in the conventional justice system for any dispute. What is the problem here - an investor didn't get a prospectus when he invested? Do you seriously believe that Statutory Management is the solution to this problem?

    Your point about MP's getting their doors kicked is irrelevant. People who support Allan Hubbard do so for a range of reasons. My concerns are with fundamental principles of justice. I am sure the MPs will get a kicking of the electoral kind if they don't pay enough attention to this issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minimoke
    It is the SCF depositors who do not want individual rights - they want collectivism through the Deposit Guarantee
    So here it is ... the essence of your argument.

    The Retail Deposit Guarantee is collectivist nonsense at it's worst. It was, and is, bad commercial policy. Is has always been unsound to expect the tax payer to guarantee the security of people who have entered into commercial arrangements of their own free will.

    If property rights are an aspect of liberty, Benjamin Franklin said it best:

    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    Mini, it seems you have given up; I have not.
    Last edited by Enumerate; 30-06-2010 at 04:55 PM.
    Do not consider my postings as investment advice. I am here to share research and to speculate on what might be. The boundary between fact and conjecture might not always be clear - best to treat all comments as speculation.

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