
So sadly a property tax is not something I see our current National government doing of its own volition; these sorts of taxes are generally implemented by left leaning parties. Labour didn't want to implement this sort of tax in its three terms, as many of its middle voters are those that have gone out and heavily invested in property. That said I would not be surprised to see this sort of tax implemented in Labours next term, so likely 4-7 years away.

That's not to say this sort of tax couldn't be implemented by a National government, but it would require pressure from all it's supporting parties. This basically means both the Maori party and Act would need to team-up. An unlikely combination but this sort of tax does seem like the type which each could support, though the Maori party would likely ask that there is a discount for Maori land written into the legislation due to its reduced marketability, (it is very hard to sell as only certain parties can purchase it).

It would also increase the chances of National implementing some sort of tax like this if Labour campaigns on a CGT/FDR tax, which is certainly not out of the realms of possibility.

Te Whetu