Quote Originally Posted by biscuit View Post
One problem with that is that the increase in value of an asset doesn't necessarily provide cashflow to pay tax. Also, many assets go up in value over time above the rate of inflation because some poor bugger has invested their time and energy into building them up - something you are unlikely to get a tax credit for. Personally, I would be very reluctant to encourage politicians to see assets as a source of Government revenue. Also - we might all be better off if we taxed things that don't "increase wealth"
None of this matters of course. They won't get a sniff at the treasury benches for a few years. By then they will probably give up on this one, and just get back to ****ing on about how unfair it is that some work hard, chuck everything on the line and if lucky, make a few bob. That will lead to more envy levels on income tax - their usual ploy to pacify their sad socialist followers.