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  1. #1
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Default Occupy Wall Street protests

    About time the greedy ones got their comuppance ... good on these people getting out and expressing their views .... and maybe this is the trigger that creates such a ground swell that the Western world will return to fundamental values

    Mark Ruffalo says in The Guardian .... Their message is get money out of the political process; strive for equality in taxation and equal rights for all regardless of race, gender, social status, sexual preference or age. We must stop poisoning our food, air and water for corporate greed. The people on Wall Street and in the banking industrial complex that destroyed our economy must be investigated and brought to justice under the law for what they have done by stealing people's homes and savings.

    He is probably right when he also says ...America has been debased and degraded by greed. and that .... the 99% of us have paid a dear price so that 1% could become the wealthiest people in the world

    This could be the start of something big .... and the Poms on the street are not happy as well .... nor are the Greeks .... or the Italians

    All brought upon the world by the greedy financiers of the world who just face the reality of the situation they have created

    Go you good guys and gals on the streeets of New York ... I'd come and protest with you if I could .... but I'll wait until the RWC is over and join the same sort of protests when they start in NZ

    The world is changing but it will take many years before it gets to where decent values are the order of the day again ... but the movement has begun

  2. #2
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    Well said Winner. Couldn't agree more. The world is changing and has to change.
    Good on these people to make a stand and show the rest of the population that we can change things for the better. Greed and corruption is the enemy of us all.

  3. #3
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    Slow response from me, but i am wondering where Winner will be when they bring out the guillotine. Okay, maybe not literally...

    I'm all for integrity and morality and philanthropy. I'm all for CEO and Directors salaries being actually about 3 times average incomes, but that's enough.

    I'm just not in favour of the disaffected taking control. And I still believe existing process SHOULD work and actually just needs either greater enforcement or a few tweaks around the edges.

    And I don't believe the guillotine gave the French the edge over anyone. They just learned to enjoy eating frogs legs and snails. Desperate stuff...

  4. #4
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Even though greed and as as some say the financiers ripping the system off for their own benefit are the public drivers of the the current campaigns I think we are seeing the early stages of how things work in the world changing.

    It is a generational thing and probably will take 5-10 years to play out

    We have a generation that rebelled in the 60's, got educated for free and for many got rich as assets values (esp property) increased dramatically over the last 10 years or so ... and a lot of that generation have no or little debt. On the other hand there is a generation who have paid for their education and are now approaching their peak earning stage of life finding they have been suckered into borrowing heaps and buying property at the peak of the market and comign to the realisation (that as property prices have stopped going up fast) they are pretty stuffed. Worse still they see the generation who made heaps acting selfishly and nor wanting to pay more taxes to keep the world going while still expecting to collect their pensions when they become due.

    It is happening in Ireland, Israel, Us and around the world .... and maybe bubbling away under the surface in Australia and NZ. A seachange is underway

    As for the guillotine Lizard ... well that might be another story

  5. #5
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Only matter of time before proetests come to this part of the world

    Maybe Martin Place soon .... then Taranaki St wharf outside the NZX building ... was that really the Fanzone last week

    The movement is under way

  6. #6
    Senior Member Halebop's Avatar
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    Personally I think this is all about demographics. We might be seeing an American version of the middle eastern ructions. There are a lot of young, educated and under-employed people in many countries right now. Funny through, the baby boomers invented peace protests then bacame capitalists and now their children are protesting. So far I prefer the American version of protest to the British one. Might have been the steadying influence of the 'grannies'?

  7. #7
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Great stuff ... the message is going global and gaining momentum

    The rich greedy ones are calling upon their mates like Bloomberg to round them up and kick them out of town .... good one eh as Micheal himself is typical of why the movement has started

    Pity is that the 'rich' and 'greedy dont just get it ... why should the masses be upset because we screwed them for decades?

    One sort of rich guy but not one of the 1% when trying to work out what was going on in Melbourne said 'hard to work out what they protesting about but sure looks like democracy is broken'

    Hope NZers put the pressure on Key in the next few months .... after they have chundered seeing him make a fool of himself next week at the RWC finals being introduced to the teams wearing a Black No 10 jersey ... John's Mandela moment

  8. #8
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    I'm a "work within the system" type person, so I get a bit lost with what you are saying, Winner.

    To me, it just sounds like a bad case of "chip on shoulder" unless we can start talking about specifics. Which "rich and greedy" are we talking about? Bill Gates? Or are some people rich but not greedy and they are okay? Maybe some people are poor and greedy? Presumably they are okay?

    What are we trying to change? Their wealth or their values? Or both?

    Personally, I'd rather see targeted change than the kind of destructive change that just demolishes the house and hopes that something better can be constructed - which seems to be where an excited conglomerate of the disaffected has the potential to go.

    And, in fact, it seems like targetting was the original concept of the Occupy Wall Street protest - ask for just one thing and stick to it.

    On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices.

    Tahrir succeeded in large part because the people of Egypt made a straightforward ultimatum – that Mubarak must go – over and over again until they won. Following this model, what is our equally uncomplicated demand?

    The most exciting candidate that we've heard so far is one that gets at the core of why the American political establishment is currently unworthy of being called a democracy: we demand that Barack Obama ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington. It's time for DEMOCRACY NOT CORPORATOCRACY, we're doomed without it.
    You say the message is going global... but it looks more like it is a protesting style gone global. The original concept was not about breaking democracy but restoring it - based on the belief that democracy is currently being undermined by wealthy lobby groups. Let's hope that doesn't get lost in the excitement of protest.

  9. #9
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    I notice most of the NZ rich-list have grown in wealth some hugely which didn't seem to make sense with current deflation times
    the poor get poorer the mid-higher class get taxed more..... the rich get richer..

    the bankers run the world not the population voted governments ..... thats why we see bankers getting away with financial banks getting bailed out the name of helping the population...
    Last edited by JBmurc; 16-10-2011 at 05:02 PM.
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  10. #10
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    [QUOTE=Lizard;358525]Slow response from me, but i am wondering where Winner will be when they bring out the guillotine. Okay, maybe not literally...

    I'm all for integrity and morality and philanthropy. I'm all for CEO and Directors salaries being actually about 3 times average incomes, but that's enough.


    So you'd be all in favour of passing a law to stop Mick Jagger performing, or to stop me investing?


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