Quote Originally Posted by CJ View Post
Good to have more listings. To early to see if I will be interested but it does have potential.

Not a fan of pre listing placements - will be interesting to see if it trades at a premium once listed. The last thing it needs is someone to to a Sorenson/Business Bakery/SeaDragon to them and want out shortly after listing (Otherwise know as being Snakk'ed).
Wow how true Guru, Sorrenson, Joyce there is about 6 of them including Ken Wikeley always in the background. The shame is Mark Weldon let all those back door listing guys have a free reign over many years now we hear he is back involved with this GeoOP.
Don't trust that John Sorrenson he is still up to his old Cons along with Ken Wikeley, "apparently Wikeley has a new name so be very weary" the latest is with a company called Edel Metals Group trying to Scam out $23,000,000.00