Any reason why Spark can't cherrypick in the entertainment sector? Some people's assumptions seem to be it has to go into full blown competition immediately with Sky, TVNZ, TV3..
There's more than one way of skinning a cat as you will see.

I think I would rather trust the forward guidance of the experts at Spark, Vodafone, etc etc than the rambling -s of a Jon Brewer (who?) who predicted the end of telcos in a 2011 article. Whatever "telcos" are as Spark now illustrates "telcos are now everything, landline, mobile, broadband, cable, TV, IT etc etc.
He's obviously rather disappointed his 2011 predictions haven't come true so needs to rewrite his predictions - if he qualifies them enough to say that the share of landlines will continue to go down then he may be able to get some egg off his face?

Sorry you sold out Ginger as TEL's price continues to go up. Makes me glad that I bought when you sold. Maybe I have your shares :-)