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  1. #15
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2005
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    Many thanks to all those who have replied, greatly appreciated I will contact ASB and find out how I can go about investing in these on the ASX.

    As the purpose of our saving is for our son's future usage rather than our own, I assume they need to be in his name so that they are taxed at his rate? If so I guess I will need to set him up at the shareholding register.

    This FIF tax was unknown to me before Kaspar mentioned it. At this stage we only have 10k to invest, but can I ask a theoretical question: lets imagine we get up to having $40k invested in these ETFs over the next 10 years, and lets also imagine my son ends up with say $20k in his kiwisaver (or any other NZ based managed account) of which most is invested overseas - assume he now has more than 50k invested in overseas funds and shares. Would that mean we now have to deal with FIF, or are kiwisaver / NZ based managed funds excluded?
    Last edited by andrewfreestuff; 08-04-2014 at 11:30 AM.


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