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Thread: Computershare

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Banksie, your seem to forget a lot. Have you also forgotten your meeting with Kim Dotcom? Or am I confused?

  2. #22
    The Good Banksie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Banks Peninsula


    Quote Originally Posted by McGyro View Post
    Banksie, your seem to forget a lot. Have you also forgotten your meeting with Kim Dotcom? Or am I confused?
    Kim who?

    <wipes manure of jacket>

  3. #23
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Just logged into Compushare and see that my Telecom shares are no longer listed in my portfolio. No evidence at all on the website that I've ever owned them. I've sent them an email enquiring politely where my shares might be. I have to say that this freaks me out just a little. I'll leave it a couple of days before I move into a full blown panic

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Auckland, , New Zealand.

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobdn View Post
    Just logged into Compushare and see that my Telecom shares are no longer listed in my portfolio. No evidence at all on the website that I've ever owned them. I've sent them an email enquiring politely where my shares might be. I have to say that this freaks me out just a little. I'll leave it a couple of days before I move into a full blown panic

    GENERAL: TEL: Notification of Change in Share Registry 04:07p.m.
    17/06/2014 16:07

    REL: 1607 HRS Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited

    GENERAL: TEL: Notification of Change in Share Registry

    Market Release

    17 June 2014

    Notification of Change in Share Registry

    Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited (TEL) advises that effective from
    the start of business on Monday 23 June 2014, management of the Telecom
    Corporation of New Zealand Limited share registry will move from
    Computershare Investor Services Limited to Link Market Services Limited.

    From that date the new contact details for the Telecom Corporation of New
    Zealand Limited share registry will be as follows:

    New Zealand

    Link Market Services Limited
    Level 7 Zurich House
    21 Queen Street

    PO Box 91976
    Auckland, 1142

    Phone: + 64 9 375 5998 (investor enquiries)
    Phone: + 64 9 375 5999
    Fax: + 64 9 375 5990

    You obviously follow this share from a distance.
    Last edited by 777; 22-06-2014 at 12:26 PM.

  5. #25
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Thanks very much 777. Compushare just sent me an email today advising of this was just about to share. Appreciate you posting nonetheless.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tauranga NZ


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobdn View Post
    Just logged into Compushare and see that my Telecom shares are no longer listed in my portfolio. No evidence at all on the website that I've ever owned them. I've sent them an email enquiring politely where my shares might be. I have to say that this freaks me out just a little. I'll leave it a couple of days before I move into a full blown panic
    I received a letter a few days ago advising that were moving to Link Market Services.

  7. #27
    El Toro~
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Argh CS... I've just added to my ASX portfolio and adding a stock in is terrible to do! It keeps trying to sign me into my NZ login and saying I'm in the wrong country. then when I get in I find it still takes me to my NZ portfolio... In Google Chrome I find it does this every time but in Internet Explorer it doesn't. No idea why. I will give them a call come this week but my gosh this is frustrating. Why can't they be more like LINK!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hamilton New Zealand.

    Default Obviously being a share investor for over 40 years isn't long enough.

    I received a letter from Computershare in the post (yes snail mail) re: Cavalier requesting Electronic communications..Now I have had these boxes ticked in my Computershare Account for years now so what's happening??... Anyway... .The systems people running Computershare have a deluded sense that they have developed a very simple access to one's online account feature that even the most newest of newbies will have no trouble with

    I sent this email to Computershare a few minutes ago...enjoy


    Cavalier form requesting email mailing

    ..Hmmm I'll have this sorted with Computershare in no time flat

    No worries..just bring up the Computershare login page... enter my ID and password......
    ......Ehh what's this???.....
    ... a further security check name, breed and colour of my pet.....really!!!! how on earth can I remember the exact wording letters and spacing's for this....Hmmm, which pet? I have 3 ...Ok, I'm a tryer .
    fail, fail, fail..

    what's this?..a red notification to contact computershare.. my account is disabled?.. Great..
    ....Ok I'll stay cool as this will be easy to solve...Hmmm...where in earth are the NZ contact phone numbers?? ...not on this webpage, not on this one either, nor here or here..ah ha phone numbers!! damm they're ozzie ones. ..ahh here it is..phew that only took 5 minutes..

    Got it..ohh..its a toll call and no 0800 number..
    ...oh well It will only cost me a few cents to fix so no's ringing..A automated directory..that's OK..pushed the 5 button...a human voice answered and transferred me on.. and they put on hold!!..Great!!....Oh dear what's this dreaded sound .."we are currently experiencing high volume of calls"................waiting ..............waiting............ listening to the 2nd most dreaded sound, that of instrumental chamber music ...
    ..after 20 minutes waiting .. 3 thoughts were occurring, I should be working not listening to music, the thought of the toll call cost accumulating.. and...I'm reaching my end of my tolerance level to chamber music....
    ....Ended call...
    ...and so ended my suffering...well not quite.. I still have apprehension, thinking about future frustrating moments possibly hours in attempting to get my account working again.
    .................................................. .................................................. .........................................

    Sir/Madam..All I wanted to do was to update my account to receive email for Cavalier Company report..I was led to believe this was a simple task...
    .................................................. .................................................. ......................................... email request to you is... (and I'm now down on my knees pleading for help)... Can I kindly request for both of us to waste more time in an attempt to open up my account so I can change that one simple get Cavalier to send me their company's reports via email

    Thank you in advance

    xxxxxx xxxxx

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Hoop View Post email request to you is... (and I'm now down on my knees pleading for help)... Can I kindly request for both of us to waste more time in an attempt to open up my account so I can change that one simple get Cavalier to send me their company's reports via email

    Thank you in advance

    xxxxxx xxxxx
    Message me your email and i'll send it over

    Edit: Here it is:
    Last edited by Jinx; 03-10-2016 at 01:11 PM.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Hoop View Post
    I received a letter from Computershare in the post (yes snail mail) re: Cavalier requesting Electronic communications..Now I have had these boxes ticked in my Computershare Account for years now so what's happening??... Anyway... .The systems people running Computershare have a deluded sense that they have developed a very simple access to one's online account feature that even the most newest of newbies will have no trouble with

    I sent this email to Computershare a few minutes ago...enjoy


    Cavalier form requesting email mailing

    ..Hmmm I'll have this sorted with Computershare in no time flat

    No worries..just bring up the Computershare login page... enter my ID and password......
    ......Ehh what's this???.....
    ... a further security check name, breed and colour of my pet.....really!!!! how on earth can I remember the exact wording letters and spacing's for this....Hmmm, which pet? I have 3 ...Ok, I'm a tryer .
    fail, fail, fail..

    what's this?..a red notification to contact computershare.. my account is disabled?.. Great..
    ....Ok I'll stay cool as this will be easy to solve...Hmmm...where in earth are the NZ contact phone numbers?? ...not on this webpage, not on this one either, nor here or here..ah ha phone numbers!! damm they're ozzie ones. ..ahh here it is..phew that only took 5 minutes..

    Got it..ohh..its a toll call and no 0800 number..
    ...oh well It will only cost me a few cents to fix so no's ringing..A automated directory..that's OK..pushed the 5 button...a human voice answered and transferred me on.. and they put on hold!!..Great!!....Oh dear what's this dreaded sound .."we are currently experiencing high volume of calls"................waiting ..............waiting............ listening to the 2nd most dreaded sound, that of instrumental chamber music ...
    ..after 20 minutes waiting .. 3 thoughts were occurring, I should be working not listening to music, the thought of the toll call cost accumulating.. and...I'm reaching my end of my tolerance level to chamber music....
    ....Ended call...
    ...and so ended my suffering...well not quite.. I still have apprehension, thinking about future frustrating moments possibly hours in attempting to get my account working again.
    .................................................. .................................................. .........................................

    Sir/Madam..All I wanted to do was to update my account to receive email for Cavalier Company report..I was led to believe this was a simple task...
    .................................................. .................................................. ......................................... email request to you is... (and I'm now down on my knees pleading for help)... Can I kindly request for both of us to waste more time in an attempt to open up my account so I can change that one simple get Cavalier to send me their company's reports via email

    Thank you in advance

    xxxxxx xxxxx
    My fullest sympathies Hoop
    I know what you went through.Try having 3 CSN numbers with 1 in Aus & 1 in NZ & b@#$%@r if I could log on to computershare. Kicked me off the same way it did with your experience.Tried 3 different times now & I have given up every time
    Let me know how/if you are successful

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