Commendable ...since your estate is orientated to charities, might I suggest several other options if the available funds are looking for deserving homes. I am available for adoption and if that seems like greed is promoting my interest, let me assure I would dedicate considerable time and effort in ensuring the funds are distributed equally (and rapidly) to Logan Browns, Webbs, Dunbar Sloanes, Prestige Cars and other worthy recipients. Failing that, the soon to be registered charity, "Home for unwed Birman mother cats" is definitely deserving. Yes, it looks like interest rates could be raising for a year or so. I have sold all my bonds ,debt securities that are bringing less than 8% and putting the funds in high div producers. I can see interest rates going up a ways but I don't think they will get into double digits in my lifetime. I do remember my father crowing about getting a term deposit for 2 years at 22%....many years ago of course. My estate is probably destined for SPCA if my partner doesn't spend it all
Quote Originally Posted by sharer View Post
Thanks for comment BirmanBoy.
Another factor there for some investors (UoC hopes) might be the potentially philanthropic impulse to gift the UoC at term rather than taking the capital back.
As most of my Estate is already committed to philanthropic charities i'm not doing that, and decided instead to quit while i'm ahead and reinvest in other long term securities. Options seem to be increasing with the predicted OCR rises now in place (& likely to continue for maybe 18 mths or more).