Quote Originally Posted by junh View Post
Yeah, it was great to see you all.

It was fun listening to Percy. It wasn't a war story though.
Of course they were..

The Market is a Battle Ground.

Where strategies are worked out..

Some VICTORIES !!.. The most talked of.. and Some terrible retreats from Moscow..

Best forgotten !!

1987 .. There are not many survivors left of that rout.. Aye percy :-))

The intense cold .... When one entered the Bank.. The icicles ... Hanging from every horizontal security frame...

The withering cold glance from the Bank Managers secretary.. !!..

The word.. NO !!.. Echoing in your nightmares for years..

No Medals for those survivors ..

But I am sure that percy will be able to play Ducks and Drakes tomorrow .

From the lessons learnt yesteryear.. Aye percy ??