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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Uk investment trusts

    Hi I'm new to share investing. I previously gave it a go in the property market with mixed results and am giving that away. I read martin Hawes latest retirement book and realised I should have more of my planned portfolio in global equities. I decided I'll invest with funds. I saw on the asb share trading website you can buy into Uk investment trusts. I thought that might be a good way to get overseas exposure. I have $200k and thought I'd average in over 6-7 uk trusts over the next 18 months. Can someone advise me if that would be a good way to get diversification out of the nz sharemarket. Any advise would be appreciated especially if you gave had experience with uk investment trusts. I think the U.S. is where there might be an upswing. But you read all sorts of things! Read another article saying Buffett thought Europe was a good proposition. Who knows!!

  2. #2
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwkiwi View Post
    Hi I'm new to share investing. I previously gave it a go in the property market with mixed results and am giving that away. I read martin Hawes latest retirement book and realised I should have more of my planned portfolio in global equities. I decided I'll invest with funds. I saw on the asb share trading website you can buy into Uk investment trusts. I thought that might be a good way to get overseas exposure. I have $200k and thought I'd average in over 6-7 uk trusts over the next 18 months. Can someone advise me if that would be a good way to get diversification out of the nz sharemarket. Any advise would be appreciated especially if you gave had experience with uk investment trusts. I think the U.S. is where there might be an upswing. But you read all sorts of things! Read another article saying Buffett thought Europe was a good proposition. Who knows!!
    Hi Kwkiwi, welcome to the forum.

    First - you shouldn't expect "financial advise" on this forum. In New Zealand only "authorised financial advisors" are allowed to give that, and only after looking into and analysing your personal financial situation.

    What you can hope for is that others share their investment experience with you - and it is up to you to decide whether these experiences / analysis and conclusions are relevant for your personal situation. Obviously - some people might have an agenda as well (like ramping up the shares they hold, or ramping down some shares they want to buy - or just stirring for "fun"), and even the better posters here are (as any human being) not infallible.

    Having said that - I do hold a small percentage of my portfolio in TEM (Templeton Emerging Markets) in order to have some hedge against a falling NZD - and to benefit from the in my view likely better performance and growth of the emerging markets compared to the first world markets.

    Over the long time they had a quite good growth rate, though my personal timing to buy in was not that flash. After 3 to 4 years of holding (and some subsequent "averaging down") did I just manage to break even. Lucky me not my best investment instrument!

    Otherwise - it appears to be a professionally managed fund - and I am still holding (and expecting better growth in future - lower oil price in my view should help).

    Haven't looked at the other Templeton funds, but assume they are quite professional as well. Just depends which markets you think will do well in future.

    Just one other thought - if your plan is to get some exposure to European growth ... one other method might be to invest into (NZ or Australian) companies which are exposed to the European markets?
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Thanks for sharing your experience

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
    Hi Kwkiwi, welcome to the forum.

    First - you shouldn't expect "financial advise" on this forum. In New Zealand only "authorised financial advisors" are allowed to give that, and only after looking into and analysing your personal financial situation.

    What you can hope for is that others share their investment experience with you - and it is up to you to decide whether these experiences / analysis and conclusions are relevant for your personal situation. Obviously - some people might have an agenda as well (like ramping up the shares they hold, or ramping down some shares they want to buy - or just stirring for "fun"), and even the better posters here are (as any human being) not infallible.

    Having said that - I do hold a small percentage of my portfolio in TEM (Templeton Emerging Markets) in order to have some hedge against a falling NZD - and to benefit from the in my view likely better performance and growth of the emerging markets compared to the first world markets.

    Over the long time they had a quite good growth rate, though my personal timing to buy in was not that flash. After 3 to 4 years of holding (and some subsequent "averaging down") did I just manage to break even. Lucky me not my best investment instrument!

    Otherwise - it appears to be a professionally managed fund - and I am still holding (and expecting better growth in future - lower oil price in my view should help).

    Haven't looked at the other Templeton funds, but assume they are quite professional as well. Just depends which markets you think will do well in future.

    Just one other thought - if your plan is to get some exposure to European growth ... one other method might be to invest into (NZ or Australian) companies which are exposed to the European markets?
    Thanks for your thoughts and sharing your experience. Much appreciated.

  4. #4
    Reincarnated Panthera Snow Leopard's Avatar
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    Private Universe

    Arrow Just Next Door

    Have a read of the ASX ETF info.

    Best Wishes & welcome to the mad house that is ShareTrader
    Paper Tiger
    om mani peme hum

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    I have held British Investment Trusts over many years, they have proved to be a good investment for me.

    Before you make a move I would suggest you research iShares and Vanguard funds listed on the ASX,
    for administration i find them more easily managed, check out how you are going to own any investment and the costs involved.
    I find it easier owning shares I can buy and sell through local broker on internet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Any investor should ask "What would Warren (Buffet) do?"

    He recommends his family puts 90% of their money into index funds and the rest into bonds.

    I think he recommends Vanguard which are US based but also have EFT on the ASX:

    iShares are another option:

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Default Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by OldRider View Post
    I have held British Investment Trusts over many years, they have proved to be a good investment for me.

    Before you make a move I would suggest you research iShares and Vanguard funds listed on the ASX,
    for administration i find them more easily managed, check out how you are going to own any investment and the costs involved.
    I find it easier owning shares I can buy and sell through local broker on internet
    Thanks just wondering which Uk trusts do you have?. I've been looking at the Trustnet website which has a lot of facts and figures! I have set up a buying programme that is at intervals but my husband said to stay cashed up until the equity markets correct as he feels they are over heated due to the low interest rates around the world.

  8. #8
    El Toro~
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    Jun 2014


    I wouldn't put all your eggs into one basket, so to speak (being you investing you entire investment in UK based funds), mix it around a few geographical funds, such as some UK, US, European and Emerging market based ETF's (Exchange traded funds).

    ETF are basically what you would call an index fund, they aim to emulate a market or index, for example the SPRD (pronounced Spider) S&P500 holds a basket of assets that aims to actively mimic the S&P500.

    The reason I would recommend diversifying into a range of different geographical funds is to both expose your investment to a broader market and to reduce risk. Say you had invested your 200k into UK funds and then a economic event effects the UK happens such as something in the Greek debt crisis happens the market wasn't expecting and Euro/UK equity and debt markets sharply retract, you entire investment will be exposed to these effects, more so than if you held a range of ETF's across different markets.

    This is not advise this is simply an external observation on my part.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Specter View Post
    Any investor should ask "What would Warren (Buffet) do?"

    He recommends his family puts 90% of their money into index funds and the rest into bonds.

    I think he recommends Vanguard which are US based but also have EFT on the ASX:

    iShares are another option:
    Will look at the Vanguard funds thanks! I also saw the Magellan fund is available in Oz too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Hold four at the moment - IRR over quite a few years since purchase
    RCP Rit Capital partners 3%
    WWH Worldwide Healthcare Trust 24%
    PCT Polar Capital technology Trust 17%
    CDN Caledonia 3%
    Have not added to holdings for some time and considering reducing.
    More recently have been purchasing Vanguard & iShares on ASX


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