if you change your avatar to an angel and your name to "WhitePeter" you may not need to. There seemed to be an inordinate number of conspiracy theorists, survivalists, bunker nuts and assorted "oh whoa is me's" on the Gold thread..however the only traffic there was going in circles, so dunno. How about a nice walk outside?
Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
Fair call - it is easy to get of topic when trying to respond to a comment. Still - you are right and I promise to stop whining on this thread!

Still wondering though whether it would be worthwhile to further investigate Baa-Baa's next crash scenario, but couldn't really find an appropriate place for it on sharetrader (given that this would be bigger than NZX, ASX, or any-other-X, but it is not really off-market either. Any proposals on what forum to establish a thread like "the next crash and how to prepare for it"?