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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Winston001 View Post
    My conclusion is that saving "enough" to provide a truly independent income is impossible for most people. Including myself. In fact I now regret not taking family holidays to Australia, Europe etc as my friends did.

    We can't live life in the future: life is now. As in all things, moderation is the key. Save for retirement but don't let it worry you. Rich relationships with family and friends are the investment which brings rewards over your whole lifetime.
    My parents were frugal and have saved to the extent they had a good modest home with a moderate amount of investments. However one of them has a medical condition and now needs nursing home care. Because of their savings they exceed threshhold levels and they do not get a subsidy.

    The comfortable retirement is in jeopardy, as an extra $50,000 pa is needed to cover fees. That would be equivalent to $75,000 before tax income! The costs of living for the independent parent has not reduced by much. There is a bit of regret, that they were not a bit more extravagant. Maybe they could have put in new kitchens and bathrooms and stayed in expensive hotels. Their investment savings will go down quickly with their extra expense. They pay for the nursing home (* all people are subsidised as to the medical component) , whilst some, if not the large majority of the fellow residents, do not. Is that fair? Does it encourage people to save for their retirement?
    Last edited by Bjauck; 24-04-2015 at 08:50 AM.


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