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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Reminder CGA hot season

    Quote Originally Posted by Agrarinvestor View Post
    Today we break through 2$. I expect 2.2$ before earning. It would be very helpful to have more investors from New Zealand on board. CEO Tao Li is a great FAN of NZ.
    You have influense on the company. P/E still below 3, DIvidend of 10 cent received.
    Today we reached 2.14$ This can be a fivebagger within few months.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default CGA uptrend

    Quote Originally Posted by Agrarinvestor View Post
    In my opinion we will see an uptrend during the next 6 Weeks. Earnings should be great. Insider bought again for 1,95$.
    @Dear Sirs,

    since my recommendation on April 8th, our shares have increased by 30%. We will see the uptrend until next 2 weeks. I expect earning on May 12th.
    Because of the NZ production Base and the wish of the CEO to retire in NZ, it is useful to find some investors here. I expect CEO Tao Li, will handle NZ investors with more respeckt, than us ****ing US or Germans.
    If you want to talk to the CFO i can provide his mobile number. He don't want to talk to me, i asume it is not only my bad english, he beliefs i am a short seller ?
    There is a chance of the anouncement of a dividend plan during the next weeks. This will trigger a short squeeze.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default CGA uptrend

    Quote Originally Posted by Agrarinvestor View Post
    In my opinion we will see an uptrend during the next 6 Weeks. Earnings should be great. Insider bought again for 1,95$.
    @Dear Sirs,

    since my recommendation on April 8th, our shares have increased by 30%. We will see the uptrend until next 2 weeks. I expect earning on May 12th.
    Because of the NZ production Base and the wish of the CEO to retire in NZ, it is useful to find some investors here. I expect CEO Tao Li, will handle NZ investors with more respeckt, than us ****ing US or Germans.
    If you want to talk to the CFO i can provide his mobile number. He don't want to talk to me, i asume it is not only my bad english, he beliefs i am a short seller ?
    There is a chance of the anouncement of a dividend plan during the next weeks. This will trigger a short squeeze.
    Book Value and P/E will justifay a fivebagger

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default NZ Shareholder needed

    [QUOTE=Agrarinvestor;569750]@Dear Sirs,

    >>since my recommendation on April 8th, our shares have increased by 30%. We will see the uptrend until next 2 weeks.<<

    Recovery still continuing. We already have potential of 70% until we reach 52 week high. Remember, the reasion why CGA is cheap was the manipulation of
    short sellers. It turned out that everything was constructed. I expect 3$ at mid of August. We can see a short squeeze everyday.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Chinese Market correction stoped CGA from going higher. In the next day we can expect CGA to release it's earning day. Within the next 2 weaks we have a great chance for gaining 100%. Dividend (second) Announcement expected. P/E of 2, Market Cap is lower as cash.

  6. #56
    Super Investor
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    Feb 2008
    Gold Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Agrarinvestor View Post
    Chinese Market correction stoped CGA from going higher. In the next day we can expect CGA to release it's earning day. Within the next 2 weaks we have a great chance for gaining 100%. Dividend (second) Announcement expected. P/E of 2, Market Cap is lower as cash.
    Does ST have their eyes closed?

    Current market cap is less than cash. That's true.
    Company has zero long term liabilities. That's true
    Current equity $300m
    Net profit $29m....gross, net, sales increasing every Q
    M/c $61m

    This has to be a buy on my reckoning.....that's on 1 minute rip through the financials.
    At least have a look ST's
    Last edited by h2so4; 04-09-2015 at 08:52 AM.

  7. #57
    Senior Member Toulouse - Luzern's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Wellington, , .


    Wikipedia article as sourced below is one place to start.
    It covers China Green Agriculture, CGA, what it is and does, its subsidiaries and its competitors.


    China Green Agriculture, Inc. (Chinese: 中国绿色农业公司; NYSE: CGA) is based in Xi'an, China. It became the first Chinese company listed on the New York Stock Exchange market. It is also the first Chinese company to list on NYSE Euronext markets in 2009.[5] It became a public company in 2008. China Green Agriculture produces and distributes humic acid based liquid compound fertilizer. Tao Li is the chief executive officer of China Green Agriculture ...
    Last edited by Toulouse - Luzern; 04-09-2015 at 09:06 AM.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hamilton New Zealand.

    Default Hmmmm.. I had a look

    This stock has as many spikes as a hedgehog...I wonder how those people who emotionally bought on those spikes are feeling now...
    A chart to outline where the shareprice has gone since the thread started....This is normally a low volume stock which means TA indicators are to be treated as somewhat unreliable..however the basic stuff does show approximate entry and exits but due its low volume behaviuor any periods of high volume volatility rules and the desired entry and exit points are missed making this stock a dangerous one to invest in..such as the December 2014 sheer fall..

    Longer term view...I've got no idea about this stock nor if there has been share dilutions...but chartists ignore these and look what the chart says...

    A bear market period commensed in October 2013..
    The questions asked..
    1..."Is the bear market still operating?"....We saw the mother of all sucker rallies in September 2014,an absolute cracker, the biggest sucker I've ever seen on a chart...
    2..."Is the 1.367 the bottom?
    3..."Has the June peak then a trend reversal signify another sucker rally being played out?...if so then a lower low will eventuate (<1.367)
    4..."The stock has been in a 2 month downtrend, is the 1.51 downward spike in these present downtrend the bottom?"...if so then the downtrend is due to end (with muliple buy signals) and signals an end to the 2 year bear market period...if not then the bear still rules and the downtrend carries on downwards and signals dont buy yet..

    Best of Luck Guys with this little prickly baby...

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default CGA earnings in the next 5 days


    it would be a Gamechanger for us CGA Investors to have NZ Investors on Board. The currently bigggest problem for us is Investor Relation and how the CEO treat us. It is obvious that
    management take not much care of us. Perhaps the source are the short attacks in the past and that the CEO blames us investor of not having absolut confidence in CGA.
    We know that the CEO is a big Fan of New Zealand and that he wants to retire there. The affiliate Sister of CGA, the CEO and private investors owned Jane Bai Green Food company has
    production bases in NZ.

    I mentioned it previous, the CEO received 500 Million US$ subsidary for the startup (Jane BAi). Farmers can sell there food to Jane Bai and can receive a up to 10% higher market price if they use Green Fertilizer. This is a large Win Win Situation for us Investors. We don't have to pay for this kind of marketing. There is so much in CGA where investors could talk about. for example these giant deals with Sino Agri.

    Read through it. The impact is Gigantic and SINO Agri is a chinese Nestle.

    What can bring this stock in one week to 10$ is the anouncement of more dividends. It is now exactly 12 month ago that the companiy announce it first cash dividend. The CEO promised us more dividends. I think that we have a 90% chance to hear an anouncement next week together with the FY2015 results.

    It would be more than helpful if one of you can attend to the conference call. Investors from NZ would make the CEO proud in my opinion.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Today 8%. Sorry guys, that i have not found the rights words to win you as shareholders. Hopefully it is not my grammar. On Monday you can see this stock reaching 5$ and more. But a closing price of 3$ would be fine for me. I only own CGA and Agria(PGW). In my Theory it is better to cover few stocks and investigate deep, exspecially if the investment is a chinese stock,


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