  1. #12331
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid View Post
    I dont think PEB has intentionally done bad things either(well,maybe some small misleadings for the good of the company and SP)

    I think the things that are going well have to do with the product--and the things that arent going well have to do with selling the product.

    I believe they desperately need someone who is a specialist in that area. This is complicated because we dont know enough how the American medical market actually works in detail.
    We know that some large pharm companies have a budget that allows then to lobby to doctors which includes lots of sweeteners such as dinners -weekends away at resorts-etc to promote their range of products-PEB obviuosly does not have the budget for that. Perhaps more would agree that going it alone has a serious shortfall in that area.
    There obviously needs to be some other strategy to promote the product (while we wait for the KP results and hopefully CMS coverage)
    But I dont think we can rely on that to push things through--We dont know what kind of a bargain they will strike if it does come to pass.
    somehow they need to get the product recognized to the extent that the patient demands the best product (thats a hard one because patients dont really know about that sort of thing)Its a big world in terms of medicine. The next step is for doctors to demand the best product for their patients-they are the next step in the process.
    I believe they need to somehow insert the CX test after the normal blood tests a doctor would do,but before the sending off to the Urologist - To me it seems far better for doctors to use CX as the next logical step BEFORE the urologist--Which is why I think targeting urologists is not the best approach--Now that there is at least some concrete evidence that CX is the best performer -somehow that needs to get through to Doctors ,rather than just Urologists.
    The very first basic step is to ask yourself''how do doctors know what tests or products to prescribe?'' (or course they all know about blood tests -but where to from there?) Newsletters?--Pamphlets?( bladder cancer detection has gotten a whole lot easier with CX)

    There has been some serious cash burn-and there is going to be more--so we might as well be doing it right--marketing guru?

    Even a commission to a large player could work --after all ,its about numbers of tests sold. There must be large players out there who are looking for easy opportunities to compete in any field they are yet to enter.

    Most agree,there is a problem--Its now up to management to figure the best way to deal with it.
    I work at Dunedin Hospital. The home city of Pacific Edge. To be quite honest I am not sure if CX bladder is utilised when someone is admitted with haematuria( blood in urine).

  2. #12332
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    its not! DHB won't fund it in lab. I asked for it/about it 18months ago

  3. #12333
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    Quote Originally Posted by enzed staffy View Post
    its not! DHB won't fund it in lab. I asked for it/about it 18months ago
    Typical. Costs lots of dollars to produce a best in breed suite of tests which is non-invasive and second to none in accuracy around the world. But still they won't embrace it - unless its free! Mind you, if I was a victim, I am sure I would find $500 from somewhere.


  4. #12334
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    I think this is typical of the NZ health system and not a reflection on PEB. My father was killed by the Christchurch hospital due to incompetence.

  5. #12335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dentie View Post
    Typical. Costs lots of dollars to produce a best in breed suite of tests which is non-invasive and second to none in accuracy around the world. But still they won't embrace it - unless its free! Mind you, if I was a victim, I am sure I would find $500 from somewhere.

    Last year some time I was driving up to the high country for a days fishing. On the way I listened to David Darling being interviewed by Catherine Ryan on nine to noon. The interview was mainly about the difficulties in dealing with the NZ health system/DHBs.

    David described dealing with the DHBs as something akin to " wading through treacle." Kind of summed it up.

    I would recommend some folks on this thread buying a fishing road and heading for the high country. Life is to darn short to spend your days getting wound up about a company you don't believe in.

    As for me. I always figured that success in the US was mainly dependent on a successful outcome with the large players such as CMS, KP etc. It has taken longer than we would like but I think they will get there so I'll be taking up the rights issue.

  6. #12336
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dentie View Post
    Typical. Costs lots of dollars to produce a best in breed suite of tests which is non-invasive and second to none in accuracy around the world. But still they won't embrace it - unless its free! Mind you, if I was a victim, I am sure I would find $500 from somewhere.

    So the NZ market is not playing ball--And the US market is not an easy one to crack (so far)--so thats a start--At least you have the knowledge that it is not always an easy rd even for top notch products.--So the next question is how is the KP trials going to work out (red tape?) and then how straight forward CMS coverage is to achieve(Is it quick,once the trail is finished and the ducks are lined up?)
    How important in terms of PR is FDA approval?
    There have been trials now completed--Is that enough to try with CMS.
    Until then the PR and salesmen have to at least earn their keep to keep the companies head above water(so sales at least equal costs or at least alot closer than this result)
    pushing into new markets and increasing sales staff can be good -but not necessarily at this stage.
    One needs to identify the problem ,in order to create a solution.
    We have heard what happens when you go to the doc in Southland--Whats the normal procedure in the USA--Is CX even available through normal channels?
    We have been second guessing what will happen as a matter of course in the USA--Maybe its time to look a bit closer.

    Sometimes its harder to crack procedural issues than it is scientific solutions. It sucks ,but thats the real world--If they can get over that hurdle then there will be some happy campers,new and old.
    Last edited by skid; 30-05-2015 at 05:22 PM.

  7. #12337
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  8. #12338
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid View Post
    So the NZ market is not playing ball--And the US market is not an easy one to crack (so far)--so thats a start--At least you have the knowledge that it is not always an easy rd even for top notch products.--So the next question is how is the KP trials going to work out (red tape?) and then how straight forward CMS coverage is to achieve(Is it quick,once the trail is finished and the ducks are lined up?)
    How important in terms of PR is FDA approval?
    There have been trials now completed--Is that enough to try with CMS.
    Until then the PR and salesmen have to at least earn their keep to keep the companies head above water(so sales at least equal costs or at least alot closer than this result)
    pushing into new markets and increasing sales staff can be good -but not necessarily at this stage.
    One needs to identify the problem ,in order to create a solution.
    We have heard what happens when you go to the doc in Southland--Whats the normal procedure in the USA--Is CX even available through normal channels?
    We have been second guessing what will happen as a matter of course in the USA--Maybe its time to look a bit closer.

    Sometimes its harder to crack procedural issues than it is scientific solutions. It sucks ,but thats the real world--If they can get over that hurdle then there will be some happy campers,new and old.
    I believe you are starting to ask the right, pertinent and probing questions which PEB management need to be able to answer.

    The evidence to date is that PEB does not know how to commercialize.

    NZ, Australia and Spain have gone nowhere. Proof - $120,000 (yes, $120,000) of sales after 4 years of CxBladder and millions of dollars spent! PEB is now blaming the NZ health system for ignoring their value proposition?

    In the US, PEB appears to be failing to get traction as 'tens of thousands' of tests are carried out with a low rate of conversion to real sales. We have only management words that PEB is 'on track'.

    Now it's exciting times to be had - PEB is excited to work with excited health professionals in exciting Singapore and SEA.

    Whatever happened to making the US really work first?
    Last edited by Balance; 31-05-2015 at 10:24 AM.

  9. #12339
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    Read this announcement from 2013 and it is clear the statement that 'CxBladder is steadily gaining momentum in Australia and New Zealand' etc etc is not measuring up to the hype.

    $120,000 of sales in NZ and Australia in 2015 after 2 years of appointing a full time commercial manager - he is not even covering his travel expenses!

  10. #12340
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    Im not the best at comparing scientific results--In terms of knowing your competition ,just wondering how this one stacks up--trial is due out about the same time as KP


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