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  1. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    The average New Zealander because they have never experienced a property market collapse in the last 30 years or so (yes values went down by like 5 or 10% in 2008, but nothing massive), many New Zealanders "hate" shares, and wouldn't consider it an investment after the 1987 crash... because of this many have their money tied up in property, and many more "want there money tied up in property" as it is on a seemingly endless road to success with no downside/risk...

    The next paragraph is mainly relating to Auckland... One leading economist described Auckland's property market as "a giant Ponzi scheme" as residents (and investors) pay each other to get in and drive prices up and up, once these new apartment buildings "come online" and unusually strong migration drops off, Auckland property may not have the big double digit increases it has enjoyed, on average, for decades (I am a bit wary of the medium term fundamentals...)
    If you are going to do something, do it before the RBNZ new regulations come into affect 1 October (I think?) and this will require 30% gearing instead of the current minimum of 20%... be aware of the new regulations brought in by the government as well (not sure on these or when they are being implemented)

    I am not sure either how NZ shares will go over the next year, but as always, on average shares generally make a better return than property, which shares will do better than others is always a better question.
    Im not so sure either would be a sure winner these days---im just wondering which share if I had put my $64000 in (1984) would be worth 1.3mil now--cant say the cash flow is great though(rent-expenses)---it will still be there in X years though and there is no executives with their noses in the trough
    Last edited by skid; 01-09-2015 at 01:52 AM.


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