thats alot of R&D (sales 80mil-up from 60mil)but a 12.9mil loss.--this is a familiar story in the Biotec sector (which is why they are normally spec stocks)--If they come up with a major product from their R&D then it could be big but.....
Of course it depends on list price and sometimes these can go ballistic on hype,but at a time when most are leaning towards div. paying co.s with strong balance sheets you would certainly want to do your homework and keep it a smaller % of the portfolio. IMO--they would be up against some pretty tough competition worldwide. Maxigesic--Isnt that a combination of Ibuprofin and paracetimal?--a novel idea to combine the 2 ,but both those ingredients have been around for ages so hardly earth shattering in terms of R&D and new products.