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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    To be fair,Ive been banned and did get a reason so guess its not all the ''what for'' scenario--I personally think there are occasions when the back and forth does get sidetracked a bit--me incl.
    I personally feel pretty much anything is fair game about a particular company ,especially if many have been let down,but attacking posters should have some limits. We have all seen situations where it seems those limits have not really been reached,but unless we all want to pay a membership fee and start our own,its ''Cest La Vie''
    I do think however that if people are going to state their views ,they should stay,not erased if a poster decides to call it a day(sometimes to return as new posters)--It screws up threads and may encourage some to think before posting.
    IMO its all about attachment--the more attachment ,the more emotion--this is hard to avoid if you become the ''spokesman'' for a company. Some companies have got a sweet deal with all that free work done for them in the form of research and PR.
    Having said that,
    Roger and PT certainly dont spring to my mind when I think of trouble makers

    PS -I dont think posters who have left have always done so because of bans--Many times it could have been more for the same reason the bans happened (or heaps of other reasons)
    Last edited by skid; 05-12-2015 at 01:44 PM.


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