So I got my first serve from STMOD today and posts deleted. I’m OK with that - I’ve already said that is their right. But it has given me a first hand experience of Moderation so I feel I am much better qualified to post on this thread.

First up there is obviously no “natural justice” being applied by Moderators. It’s a simple concept. An bad poster gets a right to respond to accusations before sentence is passed. In my case I apparently strayed off topic (something I dispute) so that’s an immediate deletion of posts but I don’t get any right of reply even off line.

Next, what do we do if there is a dispute? I reckon I was generally on topic, STMOD disagrees. How about a function where STMOD crosses out the post (you know that rule line thing through text) to give a poster a warning shot as well as a chance to edit and amend. Also other posters get to see the type of post that transgresses and learns from others without repeating the mistakes.

And back to natural justice. What’s with the SDMOD being accuser, prosecution, Judge and executioner? Regardless of forum owners having rights, that’s a shed load of power to be wielding by one individual.

I have already said I like the idea of an amnesty (or was that post deleted as well). I’d also like a note against forum members profile showing how long they are banned for and when they can re enter the fray. For example “Roger “seems to have disappeared off the Member list - how about a note showing how long he is banned for – temporary or permanent. Obviously my suggestion on a date of return didn’t go down well since that post was deleted.

And finally how about having a precedent section – a section which shows posts that earnt a ban. It would help us understand limits and also describe the thresholds.

Oh and one last idea. Consistency. Given my posts have been deleted due to being off topic (or whatever reason) we should expect all posts that don’t meet that standard to have the same treatment. Time will tell.