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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015


    I'm gutted I got out of this at 0.55c... Still made a nice profit but this one just doesn't seem to be stopping! Up another 11% today... what are people's thoughts on the future of this uptrend?

  2. #12
    Permanently OutToLunch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regi View Post
    I'm gutted I got out of this at 0.55c... Still made a nice profit but this one just doesn't seem to be stopping! Up another 11% today... what are people's thoughts on the future of this uptrend?
    You'd think it would have to run out of puff soon, but it's clear that this share is very tightly held (including by the top 20 holders) and no-one's keen on selling to any great extent. There was a large parcel of 300,000+ shares dropped on the market one day last week and most of them were snapped up in one hit very soon after they were offered. I emailed management a few days ago on an unrelated matter and the reply included "We are delighted at the opportunities opening up for SABRE technology to be commercially deployed" -- which suggests to me that there is still plenty of good news coming. They are presenting in California late next month and that could well give EMC another boost as the potential for their "water as a service" model in California is big.

    I bought in at an average of a bit under 33, was tempted to realise some gains last week but I think this one has too much going for it to be letting any go at the moment. Management's integrity and track record are excellent and that counts for a lot.

  3. #13
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    Seems to be a high conviction stock right now for a lot of holders. That 300k you refer to last week OutToLunch was quite extraordinary...there hadn't been a parcel of that size offered for a while to the best of my knowledge, and it was quickly snapped up.

    I can't bring myself to sell any, but it has run too far for me to average up. Just sitting back now to see where we end up.

    JT...are you still holding??? What did you decide to do in the end??? You are up another 30%+ now!!!

  4. #14
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    4 and a 3rd bagger i make it atp. Ive learnt not to get euphoric and hence attached and hence not react when it does correct and then ride it numbingly, blindingly down but BOY i have to keep reminding myself of that little ego monkey on my shoulder and slap it down more than once. The best way to deal with this is to play the depression card. its been a miserable day so I've stopped watching this stock at pit and jumped in the hole.. At least EDE is having a breather(but still over $300mill mkt cap).

  5. #15
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    I'm no momentum investor, but have seen this kind of thing before - there's little chance of disappointing news to fear in the near future, and few conservative/institutional type holders who'll tend to take profits, so supply will remain tight and a great story + exuberance/greed may push it higher for some time.

  6. #16
    Permanently OutToLunch's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be surprised to see it drop back into the 60s or even 50s, this kind of run is almost never sustained. Having said that, my plan is to hold for at least a couple of years so I'm certainly not selling any unless I start seeing signs that EMC's longer term aspirations may not be working out. Might even buy some more if it drops back to the low 60s, although I wouldn't be chasing it at the moment. (Mind you I told myself that when it went through 50c.)

    Then there's this...

    "Emefcy's vision is declared as becoming the market leader for resource-efficient & energy-positive wastewater treatment within its target segments in municipal & industrial wastewater by 2020, a market estimated at over A$8 billion."

    ... this statement is only looking ahead 3.5 years or so, which isn't so long in the grand scheme of things. I think most shareholders are keeping this goal in mind and building up their holdings now rather than trying to trade it.

  7. #17
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    This run up is getting a little ridiculous. Very happy with my return but my fingers are itching to take profits.

  8. #18
    Permanently OutToLunch's Avatar
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    The same thing has crossed my mind several times, but knowing my luck I would end up having to pay even more to get my shares back. Much less stressful to just set it and forget it... eyes on the long-term prize, it will be dollars per share if EMC can pull it off.

    99c this afternoon, surely now it is time for a break.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    JT...see you grabbed EMC for the ASX stock picking comp. Nice work.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Thanks Trigger PDF signing of first African contract.Should pick the price up a little after a fall back to 77c after the initial euphoric rise.


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