Absolutely FINE...you do what works for you and I'm sure there is no such thing as posting TOO much. Some posters are into the tens of thousands ..it all comes down to what you feel ok with so post away do it at your own pace and in your own time.
Quote Originally Posted by justakiwi View Post
Thank you for this. I guess right now, because I'm on my own (divorced and no significant other) I don't have anyone to bounce ideas off so you guys are the best alternative I've found so far.

I know I'm posting a lot and possibly running the risk of being labelled as somebody who "wants us to make decisions for her" - but aside from reading and researching online, these forums are the next best way for me to learn and get some general guidance. Plus right now as a newbie, I feel safer in this forum than venturing into the others - they are a bit scary