Quote Originally Posted by huxley View Post
Options?! When you started your thread you were lamenting the "low" returns currently available from term deposits.. Looks like you've really turned the risk dial up to 9000 from that point!

Good luck !
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not - don't know you well enough to judge that yet, but 500 warrants at $0.065 = $32.50 plus $30 brokerage = $62.50. If I decide not to exercise them down the track, that's what I've lost (wouldn't be worth selling them). If I do decide to exercise them at (who knows) say $1.22 and the share price is around what it is now, then I can add an extra 500 shares to my Kingfish holding, for around $600. Which means a few more "bonus" shares at dividend time.

I'm a beginner. I am trying to get my head around my options and weigh up the pros and cons of any action (or inaction) I take. This just seemed like a way to add to my holding without paying market prices.

Of course, I could be blonder than I thought and all of this could be a really bad idea.