I was thinking it would be nice if there was a 'pre approval' limit for lending on loans. Then I wouldn't be rushing to deposit funds like I am today...

It could work on a ratio system, allowing for defaults. So for example if I had $5000 invested I might be allowed a limit up to $100 to lend on loans without having the cash immediately available. LC have my whole loan portfolio as security so if I don't deposit the $100 in 3 working days they simply retrieve the funds from my returns over time. (Yes, this requires a reasonable amount of backend dev work.)

The maximum amount offered to me is a ratio of my portfolio rated against their calculated default rates, with a margin for 'piece of mind' security added. They could even charge penalty interest if they're concerned about their loan to debt ratio being adversely affected.

In this case the $100 might not seem like much, but that's not the point, it's to let you invest in loans without having cash sitting unused.

Sounds good or silly?