Quote Originally Posted by permutation View Post
I just had to come out of hibernation after reading all the autolend problems "rubbish".
Started autolending on 9 October, have got 18 criteria elements in my Autolend filter. To date have had 125 loans by "AL" and invested another 80 manually when I check in once or twice a day that are in my autolend filter but not allocated.
I am very happy with the process, have had more loans than ever before trying to sort them manually.
I figure if I get an average 3 "AL" loans per day, after 12 months that would be 1100 loans worth $27,500 with a $25 unit.
Sounds great and thanks for update. Have you found any drop off in Autolend for past week?

Several users like myself have found same as you that system works but the rate has decreased recently. Is this true with yourself also Permutation?

Interesting to note that even yourself has had to manually login to invest in loans that Autolend didnt allocate