Means testing includes income and assets. It's a minefield as they are so intertwined. Not hard to increase one and reduce the other, especially as there would be various exemptions such as family home, gifting, personal belongings and personal spending.

There is a system already in place for subsidised residential care. This could in theory be extended to all superannuitants. In practice its complex, expensive and an election loser.

Mr Little went on the record in 2015 saying that Labour would look at means testing superannuation, but quickly backtracked. Saying instead that Labour would look at whether over 65s should be allowed to work and get superannuation as well. That seems to have died a death, but might pop up as Labour election policy I suppose. Unforeseen consequences anyone?

For example, would it apply to those with income other than from going to the office every day? Say income from dividends, bank interest, rents .... Suddenly we are back into means testing!

Plus there's the cost/ benefit - administration, loss of experience v tax paid by those working.