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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by lawson View Post
    I hope they agree to what the union is asking for 10 cents a year over the minimum wage for 3 years so they'll be 30 cents above in 2019 is hardly unreasonable imo

    They paid their CEO a million dollar bonus.

    If I have to exit this stock a tiny bit under water I'll do it. I have real issues with holding them ethically if they're going to let this come to a strike. Can't they put potato and gravy and coleslaw up 20 cents or something? There must be a way to manage this or a point of compromise that's a better outcome than strikes and a demotivated hostile work-force with zero morale.
    There is however a reason for minimum wage and I would venture that if there was no law such as minimum wage that many of these positions could be filled for $12 per hour and under. So I have little sympathy for those on strike. Just unions being bully's. Hold firm there RBD. On the flip side, 10 cents is not much and could garner some good rather than bad publicity. Although to me that would be the start of a slippery slope....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    There is however a reason for minimum wage and I would venture that if there was no law such as minimum wage that many of these positions could be filled for $12 per hour and under. So I have little sympathy for those on strike. Just unions being bully's. Hold firm there RBD. On the flip side, 10 cents is not much and could garner some good rather than bad publicity. Although to me that would be the start of a slippery slope....
    Agreed exploitation would be worse without a minimum wage but that doesn't mean the minimum is the maximum that should be paid. I have plenty of sympathy for the working poor - there but for the grace of God.

    However the minimum wage went up 50 cents on April 1 so really I agree with you the union is pushing it as staff have just effectively had a govt prescribed pay rise. However, my personal preference is not to invest in companies with industrial relations issues and where the business model, in my view, is based on borderline exploitation of staff who earn a non-living wage so I just exited and swapped into SUM where I am happier with the improved pay conditions for care workers. Fortunately the share price is not down on this news so I didn't have to take a hit.

    To each their own. Some won't for example invest in Sky city and that doesn't bother me at all, we just have to decide whether we think we are making a return in a way that sits right with us. I may be missing a big rebound in RBD who knows.

  3. #3
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    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by lawson View Post
    Agreed exploitation would be worse without a minimum wage but that doesn't mean the minimum is the maximum that should be paid. I have plenty of sympathy for the working poor - there but for the grace of God.
    Come on, minimum wage in NZ is extremely high by world standards so I have little sympathy. I used to work this type of job when I was a student and did not quibble or moan about minimum wage at all. Was thankful for the opportunity to earn $$ in hours outside my lecture hours and supported myself this way. The unions need to be careful... the more they push for wage increases, the more automation will take away these jobs.
    Using the word "exploitation" in a minimum wage example I find offensive. There is no compunction to take the job and if you want more then there is incentive and opportunity enough in this country.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    The unions need to be careful... the more they push for wage increases, the more automation will take away these jobs.
    This is the industry I work in - automation in ICT. I see the fast food industry changing over the next few years, just by the fact the number of automation solutions that businesses have put in place in the IT industry that its going to be piss easy adding the value to mechanical machines and robotics. Just seen automated data centre rack installations being automated by someone thousands of kms away. The fast food industry is going to change and these strikes are going to speed that up if businesses add to their risks of yearly pay strikes.

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