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  1. #1
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Default How many companies to hold ??

    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post
    Using a company setup takes you away from using a more simple cash basis and having to account for unrealised gains/losses on shares and FX.

    Good in that it can avoid tainting on longer term investments, or those you wish to hold in a different name.

    Interesting how different people think with there trading strategies, i'm not too far from you JBMURC, over the years we seem to end up in the same companies.

    One old rule i had was holding 5 companies max, research the fundamentals, look for undervalued assets, negative EV, mgmt with skin in the game, well funded, no debt etc

    Now i see various non resource companies and buy in if the fundamentals stack up, and end up selling soon as anything changes, or buying more on weakness.

    Disc; holding 6 stocks at mo and a small holding in TRT via in specie distribution from TNG.

    I use to only hold x4-x6 shares and for a good amount of time sometimes only x3.(Main because my trading went stale couldn't be stuffed etc)..... but very recently I was finding with the huge amount of study I was coming across so many great companies with my targeted short term 100%++pa upside that I decided why not spread the risk ...

    So my new set range is min 8 to 12 max ...(will see how this plays out for me.. so far so good)

    .In the past I had been hurt by one or two high risk high growth specs being crushed by insider trading or announcment >>
    ----- I just wasn't keep a close enough eye on because of my work >>>even though at times I was only invested in 3-4 companies
    when you're away from the net at SEA for several days at a time with maybe couple tired hrs free before heading away again..

    Yes I have tried stop-losses to find I was stopped out for an intra-week lows when I got back days later ggrrr ..(IMHO stop-losses aren't really suitable to the micro-cap sectors but are fine for the bigger end of town with higher volume trading >>)

    If you don't have the time to put solid 20hrs+ per week every week don't become a ShareTrading ...(Well in my experience of keeping your trading mojo flowing>>In a busy week I'll spend 50hrs+
    Last edited by JBmurc; 21-07-2017 at 05:12 PM.
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

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    Thanks for the thread....I have got a wee bit bored so have broken my rules. My rule break has been inspired by the CEO of the Qatar Investment Authority (I attended a talk by the man), who said that you have to reassess your strategy on a regular basis. As a result, I have decided to try (on the Nz market because it is so slow and pays dividends if I get it wrong) a small 10K trade to see if I can generate a $100 profit. Of course I am not affected by tax but I will clearly be hit by the trade fees. I have selected SPK based on TA and FA, loaded the trade at 3.30am my time, it went through so I am hoping that over a short hold I may be able to hit my target profit (needs around an 8 cent rise though). If it doesn't work, then it pays a handsome dividend! Note: my attempts at trades in the past have been abysmal!

  3. #3
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeBop View Post
    Thanks for the thread....I have got a wee bit bored so have broken my rules. My rule break has been inspired by the CEO of the Qatar Investment Authority (I attended a talk by the man), who said that you have to reassess your strategy on a regular basis. As a result, I have decided to try (on the Nz market because it is so slow and pays dividends if I get it wrong) a small 10K trade to see if I can generate a $100 profit. Of course I am not affected by tax but I will clearly be hit by the trade fees. I have selected SPK based on TA and FA, loaded the trade at 3.30am my time, it went through so I am hoping that over a short hold I may be able to hit my target profit (needs around an 8 cent rise though). If it doesn't work, then it pays a handsome dividend! Note: my attempts at trades in the past have been abysmal!
    Personal with 10k I'd be hoping for a tad more for the efforts(If say for a day-swing trade) I find if your putting the hours in you should be making the most for it ..

    .and if I was just happy with $100 profit that would also mean I'd be selling out if I was under water $100(If not you will be trading style will led to abysmal outcomes from taking profits too soon and hanging onto losses too long)

    #-Reassess your strategy on a regular basis....

    My primary micro strategy doesn't change only modify(better I hope to my goals of reaching 100%+ p.a) ....but i do change my strategy fundamentally around market senitment towards what my companies I have invested are directly affected by ...Gold dropping $40oz etc
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu


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