Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
Shaw is the most pig-headedness of them all

Real disappointment is that guy - he seemed to be the one to make Green a real party and has blown it conpletely

They'll moan and winge about this and about that for another three years and nobody will listen .... and hopefully reflect on the lost opportunity (even if it did mean selling their soul)
Sad really isn't it.

I think FWIW, that we might all accomodate a voice for the environment in either the left or the right, but these idealogical tossers in the Greens don't seem to have any clue about how to get into Government as a minor party, in order to put into effect the essence of their ideals!

I heard today a summary of all the things they've managed to accomplish whilst not in Government, and it's fairly impressive but not overly convincing or inspiring, you'd think they would FINALLY decide that conceding some of their idealism to hold a seat in power, albeit a minor party and tenuous, would further their ideals moreso than being in opposition or worse on the back benches.

Some just persist with cutting ones nose off to spite ones face, this sums up the Greens IMHO.