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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by couta1 View Post
    Unfortunately 51% of voters gave MMP the tick over FPP if I remember right, perhaps another vote would see it chucked out after the latest fiasco has run it's course. Shame the Greens are too pigheaded to do a deal with National and shut Winston out completely, looks a far better coalition than one that includes the kingmaker calling the shots way out of proportion with his vote tally.
    Greens are riddled with socialist cancer like Jacinda. Laughable to think they could side with National. SM is the way to go tto avoid current situation where the decision who will govern will ignore the highest vote and leave the choice in one man's hands.
    Remember Peter Shirtcliffe and his campaign?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    "It's a very strange situation. That's because MMP is a very strange system."

    Get rid of MMP, it's broken and must be replaced.
    Last edited by Baa_Baa; 08-10-2017 at 11:47 AM.

  3. #43
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    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    "It's a very strange situation. That's because MMP is a very strange system."

    Get rid of MMP, it's broken and must be replaced.
    Sad to see the end note, that it's Rodney's last column. Pity because he makes a lot of sense.

  4. #44
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    "It's a very strange situation. That's because MMP is a very strange system."
    "It's a fatal flaw of MMP that two weeks on we still don't have a result"

    Yes, this is ridiculous, but how is this the fault of MMP? It it is the fault of a brain dead New Zealand made system of special treatment for "special votes" which need to be apparently hand carried after the election day to the respective electorate to be counted. Other countries with MMP have postal voting instead and it is the responsibility of the voter to make sure that their letter arrives prior to election day at the counting place. Easy. In Germany they know the election results on election night, despite using MMP as well.

    "With MMP the politicians decide the Government, not us.
    More particularly, it's up to Winston Peters. He gets to decide whether Bill English or Jacinda Ardern will be prime minister. He gets to decide whether National or Labour will be in Government."

    Well, not quite so. It is only the dumbness, inflexibility and immaturity of other NZ Parties which gives Winnie First this power. It's not MMP's fault. If we look back at the German example and apply the NZ results, than possible governments could look like: National/Labour (a grand coalition), National / Green, Labour / NZF / Green, National / NZF; All possible under MMP and all representing a majority of the voters. Great system - requiring though some maturity, negotiation skills and readiness to compromise.

    The good thing about MMP is that majority and minority interests are considered. Under FPP it was one party representing less than 50% of the votes taking it all with the licence to behave like a dictatorship for the next 3 years.

    I prefer MMP.

    Do your homework Rodney ... or just go home. Not writing this column would have added to your reputation, but it is too late now.
    Last edited by BlackPeter; 08-10-2017 at 02:02 PM.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  5. #45
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    Do your homework Rodney ... or just go home. Not writing this column would have added to your reputation, but it is too late now.[/QUOTE]

    Uncalled for snide remarks like this do nothing for your reputation either IMPO...

  6. #46
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    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Watching the major party's prostitute themselves to NZF makes me sick to my stomach. Both party's forfeiting the deputy leader position today, before the real negotiations even begin. Negotiation via the media putting NZF in the kingmaker position is sickening, MMP must go, it's a farce. This election and the formation of the next government will prove it, either way.

    Well, Bill didnt prostitute hard enough. I'd have much rather seen a two party coalition than this 3 headed monster.

  7. #47
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    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Watching the major party's prostitute themselves to NZF makes me sick to my stomach. Both party's forfeiting the deputy leader position today, before the real negotiations even begin. Negotiation via the media putting NZF in the kingmaker position is sickening, MMP must go, it's a farce. This election and the formation of the next government will prove it, either way.

    Well, Bill didnt offer hard enough. I'd have much rather seen a two party coalition than this 3 headed monster.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absolute144 View Post
    Well, Bill didnt offer hard enough. I'd have much rather seen a two party coalition than this 3 headed monster.
    I disagree. National had some lines in the sand that they were not willing to cross and totally reasonably stuck to their guns on issues Jacinda rolled over on. She and Labour were desperate and ready to give away just about anything Winston wanted, which included treating The Greens like a door mat which they deserve and seem to like !
    National did the right thing. It is better to regroup in a strong parliamentary opposition and watch this mess unfold.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    I disagree. National had some lines in the sand that they were not willing to cross and totally reasonably stuck to their guns on issues Jacinda rolled over on. She and Labour were desperate and ready to give away just about anything Winston wanted, which included treating The Greens like a door mat which they deserve and seem to like !
    National did the right thing. It is better to regroup in a strong parliamentary opposition and watch this mess unfold.
    +1 that iceman, nicely put.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    I disagree. National had some lines in the sand that they were not willing to cross and totally reasonably stuck to their guns on issues Jacinda rolled over on. She and Labour were desperate and ready to give away just about anything Winston wanted, which included treating The Greens like a door mat which they deserve and seem to like !
    National did the right thing. It is better to regroup in a strong parliamentary opposition and watch this mess unfold.
    Totally agree....


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