Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
Probably worth remembering that James Shaw made gender equality a bottom line back in 2015 at the CTU conference. He was going to make sure half of all Green Cabinet Ministers were women and he was going to ensure other coalition parties did the same. This may be a sticking point with Winston who has 7 out of 9 MP's being men - I think he works on a meritocracy basis

Clever move James. That means half the Cabinet have to be non-women. So you might be nicely lined up for a Ministerial position.

Obviously while in (if) in government I expect him to get stuck into this gender inequality business - starting with the Greens who have 2 out of 8 MP's are non-women.
As far as I can tell the gender balance means a minimum of 50% should be women, but 100% would be fine. Green logic.