Quote Originally Posted by craic View Post
. I would like to know how an intelligent Lawyer couldn't work out his pension entitlement.
This is all a nice distraction from this key point. It is inconceivable that in 2010 Peters did not know what superannuation he was signing up for. After all tens of thousands of ordinary New Zealanders do this every year.

And its inconceivable, that as an advocate for the "aged" constituency that Peters would not question the amount flowing into his bank account for his superannuation.

That's even aside for the moral question of him double dipping the tax payer with his parliamentary pay which includes sizeable contributions to the politicians superannuation scheme.

I guess we could feel sorry for him. He only owns 3 houses, got a directorship in Orewa Ltd and gets benefits from the Rawhiti Land Trust. He must be doing it hard.

And if we are to give him the benefit of the doubt how could we possibly have faith in him as deputy prime minister if he cant even comprehend a basic government form or reconcile his bank account.