Plenty of traps for new players! Here are just a few -

- buying unit titles property (Body Corporate). Research carefully beforehand as many rules and fish hooks present and future. More legislation coming this year.
- buying cross lease property. Also rules, they will mostly be in the lease and can be very restrictive.
- check Consumer website for summaries around boundaries, fences, neighbours and trees - can be stressful and expensive.
- lots of new compliance (cost, hassle) for landlords coming, probably including increased protection for tenants, much of it in 2018.
- the government has indicated negative net rents will not be able to be offset against other income. Makes a big difference in returns esp in the early years.

To become more educated, suggest -

- read 2 Matthew Gilligan's books - Tax Structures 101 and Property 101.
- read the forums.
- join local Property Investors Association.