don't worry I'm gonna rescue Fletchers

sent this to their HR

Its a part piss take kicking them when they are down, but part serious


As a shareholder in Flecthers I am a bit worried at the incompetency displayed by your senior management, so would like to offer up my services to help turn around your company.

My CV is attached, I have a pretty standard working career in analyst roles - mostly finance related - across 15 years in many different corporate both here and overseas.

However my value add, is I walk the walk: I have built a multimillionaire dollar property and equity investment empire over the last 15 years, by following a defined investment strategy.

I bring an executive level skill set and outside the box thinking which I think could greatly assist you in your time of need. I have built an empire on limited capital and I have done so through sound investment decision making, management and execution. I create and deliver value.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing again and expect a different result - if you want to turn Fletchers around you need fresh thinking and ideas, backed up by sound real world experience.

It is in your best interest to contact me, look forward to hearing from you soon


Reading it again now could have done a better job on spelling and gammar haha