Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
Ironical that ATM is now NZ's biggest listed company but 70% to 80% of the daily trading volume of this stock is consistently done on the ASX.

Matter of time I think before ATM decamps as well to ASX as the liquidity here dries up as more and more of ATM stock is shunted to ASX.

Question : What is on the horizon to replace the billions of dollars of market cap lost if ATM decamps?

Answer : NZX is like a possum caught in the headlights - so far there has been nothing to replace Xero.

Only one way for NZX to go - the single candle of light is flickering
your right the liquidity on nzx is bad if your a trader and there silly orderly conduct rule doesnt make for good trading thats why a majority of my trading has departed the nzx now for better exchanges which encourage trading.