Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
Morgan no doubt will be paying a heap of tax as well as receiving only 66% of the 20k he's on about.
Am I to assume you are arguing that because Gareth makes heaps of money and pays lots of tax he becomes entitled to a handout???. If we used your argument consistently we could also say that poor NZers should get less as they paid less tax. I struggle to agree with this argument. I can only assume you pay lots of tax.

He will know as well as anybody that means testing is hugely expensive to implement,
Much like a capital gains tax anything you don't like appears to be hugely expensive, although you don't provide figures. I would note that building a house is hugely expensive but we don't stop building houses based on cost.

and has many undesirable consequences.
Such as???

Our superannuation is designed as a universal scheme and should be left that way.
It was designed as a universal scheme but human nature being what it is nothing was put aside to fund this. I haven't done the figures but many people smarter than me have suggested it will become unaffordable eventually. Why not plan for it now so that changes in the future don't have to be more radical. John Key said it is affordable and Jacinda said she likes the universality. Both came to power after these remarks. We can't blame short-sighted politicians years from now, we can only blame the voting/non-voting public.
Hopefully my replies in red.