Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
Balance - most of Rigby’s share are pre IPO and didn’t cost him much if anything (incentives eh)

If he had been selling we would have seen some notices eh

Whether he sells may also depend on whether he’s really pissed off with the company (sorry he resigned) or still has some empathy and love and sees that what he’s put in place is worth $1.50
Market says its worth just half that now, another all time low of just 75 cents. Very pleased I sold when they breeched the $1 level. Classic case in portfolio management.
Never hold shares in a confirmed downtrend. Acknowledge that from time to time you WILL makes mistakes, (nobody ever gets 100% of their picks right) and own up to your mistakes and take the loss on the chin and move on. Wonder how that comprehensive business review program is going...whenever a company hires expensive outside consultants to tell them how to run their business you have to wonder, isn't that what management are being paid the big bucks for and are supposed to know how to do already ?
No if's and no but's, hold no mutts, (unless they're the furry variety).