As much as I like to trade LONG ...sometimes I like to keep my options open in case of a major BEAR market attacks ...just like the GFC did one minute Fine next DOOM ...

I like to keep in context the global MACRO sentiments of the International Shares markets as we know if the US markets crash so does the ASX ... Even safer plays like Gold producers?Cash cows companies can still be forced downwards(abit on much lower levels) on margin calls on other investments forcing holders to sell them to survive deflaut..etc etc

there is many ways a trader can make a profit these day in SHORTING the market or even Companies ...Futures, CFD's, Warrants, options all offering different styles of leverage ..

. market goes down 10% you can make 100% return on some of these products if not more afters costs ....but what I've found is unless your've perfectly timed your position you can get badly burnt (I certainly have at times esp in shorting shares) as the spread/commission straight away putting you on the back foot ..aka you might need the market to drop .5% can to break even on costs...and if your timing is not 100% perfect you can without even being completely of the mark in a position where your down 20-30%

now depending on margin your provider will be asking for more funds to cover your negative position or else they will dump your position ...One of my first plays in the FOREX market ended only seconds after I took my position with a forced cose of order for a $300 loss(my provider at the time uses a stop-loss provision)

Lets just say after having a play around Futures,CFDs,warrants I've decided unless your got a million+ book and serious high risk trading skills I'll leave it too the BIG BOYs and players

...recently I came across BETA ETF's which you can buy just like shares on the ASX

BEAR 1:1 short to ASX20
BBOZ 2-3:1 short to ASX20

BBUS 2-3:1 S&P500 (hedged currency)

Still not perfect but a safer option for me IMHO

I see recently had you took a position in BBUS at recent lows -S&P500 market peaks end of JAN18 or MAR12th you could exit for around a 15%-20% profit

CASH in the CALL account of course one of the best insurances if the market is looking toppy >> then if "TRADING EMOTIONS" are good you will let the crash play out and look for a double bottom etc to buy your favourite companies