Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
Thanks guys. i dont really see an about face. In aus there is a Royal Commission inquiry into misconduct, here the banks are being asked to" prove they are different"

"Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr says there is no need for a similar Royal Commission in New Zealand. Orr said the culture of the New Zealand banks is “infinitely better than some of the activity in Australia.”
Asked if he agrees, Robertson says, “that’s certainly what we have been told."
Question still unanswered is why is Orr even getting involved and asking for them to prove they don’t have a bad culture in NZ

Orr (or RBNZ) banking supervision powers are about the maintenance of a “sound and efficient” financial system .......not about market conduct.

Dangerous if he just wants to be a ‘popular’ governor jumping on every bandwagon ...and seen to be in bed with the MoF