In trading on USX for the week ending Wednesday 27 June 2018 there were 23 trades (last week 13 trades) totalling 455k shares worth $1.2m.

In price movements this week four stocks increased in value with Terra Vitae Vineyards' shares up 6.4% (3 cents) to close at 50 cents, Skyline Enterprises up 4.5% ($1.25) to close at $29.00, Fronde up 4.0% (2 cents) to close at 52 cents and Zespri Group up 0.8% (7 cents) to close at $8.75. One stock declined in value this week with Syft Technologies falling 5.9% (5 cents) to close at 80 cents per share. In announcements released during the week Syft Technologies, Fronde and Rangatira issued their Annual Report for 2018. The USX Market Cap closed the week up $49m to $2,754m.