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  1. #261
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    21794 e o w

    1 clearasmud: 35.61% { ALY EME NLI OXX TNO -21.0526315789 100 -13.4615384615 -71.7647058824 184.3079766157 } cash = 0
    2 777: 35.05% { BNO A2M SM1 SXY XRO 26.3157894737 31.2162162162 49.7723823976 7.7922077922 60.1323119777 } cash = 0
    3 hoyinma: 32.75% { XRO A2M PGC CCL LOV 60.1323119777 31.2162162162 0.6172839506 12.2352941176 59.5714285714 } cash = 0
    4 JBmurc: 26.10% { IRC TAW RLE NKP RMS 21.4285714286 -17.0212765957 20.6896551724 72.5 32.9113924051 } cash = 0
    5 RRR: 14.63% { IVC IRE CSL HSO OFX -14.7076923077 3.046127067 43.6042402827 6.6985645933 34.5070422535 } cash = 0
    6 Joshuatree: 9.50% { JKL ADO KKT APX DRM -13.9534883721 27.7777777778 -36.4583333333 46 24.1379310345 } cash = 0
    7 bermuda: 9.39% { SXY STX BRU BUL RLE 7.7922077922 90.1408450704 -28.9855072464 -40 17.9775280899 } cash = 0
    8 8.86% { AC8 GTK ORE NXT STO 34.1772151899 2.2508038585 -26.1055634807 19.7986577181 14.1544117647 } cash = 0
    9 Proud: 7.02% { LRS AVL IIL ATC PGM -41.6666666667 135 3.4482758621 -16.6666666667 -45 } cash = 0
    10 shasta: 4.02% { GOR ISX NMT TLM WSA 2.8571428571 36.6666666667 -33.7078651685 12.7659574468 1.5243902439 } cash = 0
    11 upside_umop: 3.97% { BRU HZN FDM RLE SXY -20.9677419355 14.1304347826 -1.7857142857 20.6896551724 7.7922077922 } cash = 0
    12 Brovendall: 1.96% { CCP CSL NHF SEK RHC -15.2261531572 43.6042402827 -17.6557863501 17.7496038035 -18.6571428571 } cash = 0
    13 gmatt: 1.71% { BRL AAD STO WHC NWH -23.0769230769 2.5 12.9090909091 13.0526315789 3.1746031746 } cash = 0
    14 dolor: 0.45% { FAR PRL NEU STX WOF 58.5365853659 -75 -19.1740412979 80 -42.1052631579 } cash = 0
    15 Rabbi: -0.83% { BRU SXY OEL BPT BUL -20.9677419355 7.7922077922 1.724137931 45.3441295547 -38.064516129 } cash = 0
    16 Jay: -3.96% { AGL HSN IMS LOV SXY -10.4440789474 -18.0203045685 -58.6956521739 59.5714285714 7.7922077922 } cash = 0
    17 Minerbarejet: -4.68% { NMT AJX SXY NKP CDY -33.7078651685 -56.5217391304 7.7922077922 72.5 -13.4615384615 } cash = 0
    18 gazprom1: -5.30% { FLC AJQ AGO BRU OEL -27.5229357798 2.0408163265 27.2727272727 -30 1.724137931 } cash = 0
    19 bohemian: -8.22% { GSC ORE TAW COB AGO -4.2253521127 -26.1055634807 -17.0212765957 -25 31.25 } cash = 0
    20 lissica: -8.38% { ANZ BSA CCP DTL HSO 2.2996515679 -24.6575342466 -15.6792873051 -10.5555555556 6.6985645933 } cash = 0
    21 stoploss: -9.63% { BRL IMF KNM MFF SOL -6.25 -10.7744107744 -72 23.5294117647 17.3572228443 } cash = 0
    22 amalgam: -11.20% { GEM ACR CDX CGO PRO -27.6470588235 3.3333333333 -13.5135135135 -31.4285714286 13.2530120482 } cash = 0
    23 airedale: -11.66% { AC8 ARL CLQ EVN GOR 34.1772151899 -55 -53.1772575251 12.8301886792 2.8571428571 } cash = 0
    24 DarkHorse: -12.93% { KKT PGC ZNT AQZ COG -36.4583333333 0.6172839506 -23.6641221374 5.7534246575 -10.9090909091 } cash = 0
    25 BRICKY: -13.35% { BUL STX CLA FFG WBT -40 80 -3.8461538462 -70 -32.9113924051 } cash = 0
    26 troyvdh: -14.24% { NMT AGY ADO LPD CZI -33.7078651685 -25 35.2941176471 -45 -2.7777777778 } cash = 0
    27 Xerof: -15.01% { OZL AVZ GEV NKP WBE -5.4499054499 -48.9361702128 -56.8181818182 72.5 -36.3636363636 } cash = 0.085
    28 Toulouse-Luzern: -15.72% { AGY TEG WTC KGN LPD -36.0655737705 -19.2307692308 25.3146853147 -1.0071942446 -47.619047619 } cash = 0
    29 showstring: -22.50% { AJX BRN D13 DTZ STA -56.5217391304 -28.9473684211 -7.7777777778 -46.1538461538 26.9230769231 } cash = 0
    30 Aotea: -22.72% { AJX GXY KAI IRC BRN -56.5217391304 -21.5384615385 -24.4444444444 21.4285714286 -32.5 } cash = 0
    31 duncan22: -23.69% { LBT SP3 UBI LPE SMN -38.4615384615 -32.183908046 -12.9032258065 -9.5238095238 -25.390625 } cash = 0
    32 greater fool: -23.69% { OZL CLL PYC SAS WBT -5.4499054499 -17.8571428571 -27.5 -53.1428571429 -14.5161290323 } cash = 0.085
    33 Paddie: -24.48% { BUL HEG RLE GEV SXY -38.064516129 -56 20.6896551724 -56.8181818182 7.7922077922 } cash = 0
    34 cammo: -24.86% { AJM ADV STA CDY LCT -29.7872340426 -57.1428571429 10 -15.0943396226 -32.2580645161 } cash = 0
    35 percy: -25.16% { AQZ DN8 KNM LOV TBH 5.7534246575 -41.8604651163 -72 59.5714285714 -77.25 } cash = 0
    36 paulzun: -28.04% { AGO BAR CFE LYC FGF 31.25 -32.2580645161 -58.2278481013 -13.30472103 -67.6470588235 } cash = 0
    37 whirly: -29.34% { AYS ATU BOQ CVW IGL -56 -53.1428571429 -14.9253731343 -25.8278145695 3.2110091743 } cash = 0
    38 Dej: -30.86% { CHK DAV ATC HZR FLC -25 -30.612244898 -16.6666666667 -55.8333333333 -26.1682242991 } cash = 0
    39 serpie: -31.57% { HSO SYA YAL SAS IBX 6.6985645933 -55.2380952381 -6.6666666667 -54.4444444444 -48.1818181818 } cash = 0
    40 silu: -31.93% { AHZ ATC XTE HZR AJX -15.5172413793 -16.6666666667 -20 -50.9259259259 -56.5217391304 } cash = 0
    41 wizardAlvin: -37.17% { ADX RMI AUC BMG DAU -23.5294117647 -72.4137931034 -22.8571428571 -47.619047619 -19.4444444444 } cash = 0
    42 t.rexjr: -37.34% { ARV BRL SGC TAW XST -43.8596491228 -6.25 -61.25 -17.0212765957 -58.3333333333 } cash = 0
    43 sure: -40.53% { K2F 3DP CT1 BTH FLC -25 -68.275862069 -51.2820512821 -31.914893617 -26.1682242991 } cash = 0
    44 jennym: -42.08% { CRO APC 3DP ARS FYI -45.2380952381 -38.0952380952 -68.275862069 -21.6666666667 -37.1428571429 } cash = 0
    45 OutToLunch: -42.32% { FLC EDE HZR DCC FNT -26.1682242991 -64 -54.3103448276 -67.1052631579 0 } cash = 0
    46 skeet: -42.57% { OOK RFN BUL DEV QAN -82.7586206897 -76.5957446809 -38.064516129 -50 34.5849802372 } cash = 0
    47 younga: -44.13% { AVZ 4CE EPM FBR FFG -48.9361702128 -32.0987654321 -66.6666666667 -11.9047619048 -61.038961039 } cash = 0
    48 McGinty: -46.51% { KNM BIG BFC JCS TBH -72 -39.010989011 -30.3571428571 -13.9534883721 -77.25 } cash = 0
    49 Shrewd Crude: -48.16% { DCC FFG FGF NOV THC -64.2857142857 -63.4146341463 -74.4186046512 -21.9178082192 -16.7832167832 } cash = 0
    50 Baa Baa: -49.83% { AJX BRN IMS BUD CL8 -56.5217391304 -28.9473684211 -58.6956521739 -55 -50 } cash = 0
    51 freebee: -50.36% { AUZ AVZ CCZ CZN TAW -40.7142857143 -65.2173913043 -63.8888888889 -55.5555555556 -26.4150943396 } cash = 0
    top.ticker.1: 4.33% { SXY AJX BUL LOV NKP 7.7922077922 -56.5217391304 -40 49.932885906 60.4651162791 } cash = 0
    top.ticker.5: -3.31% { SXY AJX BUL NKP RLE 7.7922077922 -56.5217391304 -40 60.4651162791 11.7021276596 } cash = 0
    top.ticker.3: -5.42% { SXY AJX BUL LOV RLE 7.7922077922 -56.5217391304 -40 49.932885906 11.7021276596 } cash = 0
    top.ticker.4: -12.54% { SXY AJX BUL NKP NMT 7.7922077922 -56.5217391304 -40 60.4651162791 -34.4444444444 } cash = 0
    top.ticker.2: -14.65% { SXY AJX BUL LOV NMT 7.7922077922 -56.5217391304 -40 49.932885906 -34.4444444444 } cash = 0
    top.ticker.6: -22.29% { SXY AJX BUL NMT RLE 7.7922077922 -56.5217391304 -40 -34.4444444444 11.7021276596 } cash = 0
    Elio DAmato ASX Investor1: 5.39% { CGL PME PPS SLK AST 10.9546165884 -9.1422121896 29.8013245033 5.0724637681 -9.7493036212 } cash = 0
    Elio DAmato ASX Investor2: -4.02% { SLK AST CCP ECX MQG 5.0724637681 -9.7493036212 -17.5522648084 -20.4938271605 22.6400313357 } cash = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  2. #262
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    refer post #257 : consideration of $0.085 cash and 0.009 OZ Minerals Limited shares per Avanco share.
    1 share = 8.5c plus 0.009 OZ Minerals share.
    i shall recheck the .009 value.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  3. #263
    Guru Xerof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    5 - each stock pick will have a weighting of $10,000 (20% of portfolio)... ($50,000 in total for portfolio)...
    so performance can be posted in percentage returns, and/or $ returns.
    So, I had 10k of AVB at whatever the price was when the comp started - say 9 cents, so for the comp I had 111,111 shares. In the Takeover, I get 8.5 cents per share so cash $9444, plus .009 OZL per AVB share, so 1,000 OZL shares at an undetermined price. It should be the price on the day of allotment. How you determine that I do not know, but for the sake of the comp, maybe the closing date is appropriate? For transparency for all, please advise the price allocated to the OZL entry

  4. #264
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    definitely an ozl problem as ozl has made 5% since 9 july
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 27-07-2018 at 04:17 PM.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  5. #265
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    jennym to review:

    One AVB share became 8.5 cents and 0.009 OZL shares on some date as no one had converted to cash before this.

    The Cash:
    opening price of AVB $0.09 or 9 cents
    so 8.5c per share is 8.5 c of 9 c is 94.44% of the initial outlay, a loss of 5 c = -5.555555[recuring]%

    The Share:
    09/07/2018 9:48 AM : OZL: Close of OZ Minerals offer for Avanco from the ASX web site Official notices

    therefore opening price for OZL : [being Next day opening] is $9.21

    OZL,20180726,9.81,9.82,9.71,9.76,2282806 26th july

    close price : $9.76 an increase of 55cents per share which is = 0.059717698 approx
    or 5.972% approx

    and therefore an increase of 0.059717698 x 0.009 = 5.374592833876221498371335504886e-4
    or 0.05374% approx for the AVB allocation

    therefore at the end of 20180726 anyone with one AVB share has -5.55(recur)% + 0.05374%
    which is -5.50181555555%
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  6. #266
    Guru Xerof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Nope, the OZL came free. Remember our return is nearly 100%

  7. #267
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by Xerof View Post
    Nope, the OZL came free. Remember our return is nearly 100%
    -5.50181555555% is nearly 100%
    you start off with $10,000 and as of 26th july FOR AVB have 9449.81844444445
    jennym to review
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 27-07-2018 at 07:20 PM.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  8. #268
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    my money is on Brovendall to win this

  9. #269
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    jennym to action
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  10. #270
    Join Date
    Sep 2000


    Am I missing something or was the last update on the 22/7?


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