And the results to August 10th...thing is, Lawnmower Man is so far in front its almost moot :-)...that top 5 ha a stable look about it!
Full results available on the website now:

All Picks
Username Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3 Pick 4 Pick 5 Opening Investment Closing Investment add Dividends add Rights Issue TOTAL $ RETURN TOTAL %AGE TOTAL Annualised %age Rank
Lawnmower man ATM SUM SML PPH HLG $10,000 $13,003 $127 $0 $3,130 31.3% 51.0% 1
B777 ATM SML KFL SCL SUM $10,000 $12,762 $187 $0 $2,950 29.5% 48.1% 2
QOH ATM OCA SCL SML SUM $10,000 $12,540 $191 $0 $2,730 27.3% 44.5% 3
gmatt-2 BLT CAV NTL RBC SKO $10,000 $12,628 $0 $0 $2,628 26.3% 42.8% 4
Not Roger ( honest) AIR SUM THL HLG ATM $10,000 $12,372 $239 $0 $2,611 26.1% 42.5% 5